
In addition to cutting off their online presence, I wonder if anyone is monitoring if these white fragility (I refuse to call it supremacy) terrorists are being financed with money laundering. Banks monitor certain transactions to catch terrorist and human trafficking criminals, they should be doing the same for

When this monster refers to these statues as “beautiful” it reminds me of when his lynch mob ancestors created postcards to fondly remember their lovely afternoons when they hanged and burned Black men, women and children. And drumpf is 70 years old, it’s very likely his father gleefully brought little Donny along to

I truly hate caucasians.

I don’t want to teach monsters to love; for anything to change there needs to be acknowledgement of their systemic hatred in this country. If Angela Merkel, in the birthplace of Nazi-ism can post a tweet referring to last weekend’s violence as ‘racist and evil’ so can Obama. He had no problem criticizing the Ferguson

Now explain why the words BLACK LIVES MATTER makes you shit your pants.

And that “ok” gesture he often makes (in front of the entire world) with his tiny hands is an alt right hand signal.

Amen. He did not even give a hint of why he’s sucking up to this powerless woman to begin with.

“Donald Trump isn’t listening to Omarosa on most issues that matter to black people, and we should stop treating her like he does.”

They are going to find out soon won’t they? lol. That reminds me of when the Westboro church announced they were going to boycott Whitney Houston’s going home service. In Newark. Guess somebody pulled their coattails about that one cuz they damn sure didn’t show up.

Yesterday someone said this pilot episode of Confederate is a thumbs down; it was the first thing that made me smile after all this tragedy. This video here of decent white people checking cowardly, shrill racist scum gives me the warm fuzzies also. AND Twitter doing the Lord’s work by identifying the perps.

Ha!—so in NeverTeen, i love it!

Speaking of nazi degenerates getting out of prison to troll black websites-I wonder if cheetolini is going to bail out the ones who were arrested yesterday? Particularly the ones shouting heil trump.

Hell at least ISIS takes ownership of the results of their hateful ways. At what point will the majority of White America realize watching footage of an enraged white male plowing into innocent people has nothing to do with BLM, President Obama, libtards, commies (i can’t believe some of them still use that phrase,

“Do their “black lives matter”? ShameOnU!”

I would need therapy behind some mess like that!

Racism aside, is Airbnb really more convenient than hotels? I checked their listings recently for myself, and saw that hosts are rated by previous guests for “response time”. The listings I was interested in had host response times listed as 30-40%. So you request to book but there isn’t even a guarantee the host will

What, you don’t hear the theme from Rocky playing when you look at this photo?  Unpatriotic!

You are “African”huh-which nationality? Or does your dumb ass think we think Africa is a country?

An eye- talian butcher did the same foolishness here in NYC recently. He handed a noose to a Black delivery man who often delivered to the shop, with some “ha ha “ it was a joke ish. And I don’t understand why these hateful cretins don’t own up to it- if you are bold enough to spew filth like this admit it.

I tried the white privilege filter before they deleted it; kinda impressive.