
We don’t actually begin to call pregnancies viable until 24 weeks, so no, it was not viable. Also, there are cases where a fetus will never be viable, so we can’t just fall back on some arbitrary counting thing to draw the line.

Ha! Jokes on them. I got an annulment! #LOOPHOLESFTW

It’s not that people think that women lie about rape. It’s that people think that women lie about EVERYTHING. Women don’t ever misspeak, embellish or create. They just lie. That is why people turn to your boyfriend to ask them the same question they just asked you and you just answered. These MRAs and their kin aren’t

Ok but as a black woman White racism in the north is just as bad and pervasive so cool it with that sense of superiority

Man, this girl is a hero. It’s so brave of her. But it’s also so fucked up that THIS is the defining experience of her college career. kudos to her for turning something awful into something at least useful and (maybe?) hopeful but fuck. im just so angry. for her. for every girl who’s life was changed by a really

No part of our justice system or Constitution requires she be silent. You can remain uncomfortable, but that isn’t a reason for someone in her position to not do what she is doing. Innocent until proven guilty is a criminal law tenet meaning no one is incarcerated until proven guilty, it does not pertain to thing

Yeah he doesn’t know and he doesn’t ask and I’m not telling. I’m with him. I have been tested and it’s none of his business. He has also never told me because we respect each other’s privacy. It is also because I can’t remember.

Ok, honesty time. I couldn’t tell my partner how many people I’ve slept with because somewhere around my late 20s, I stopped counting. It’s not like it was so many that I couldn’t keep track, it just didn’t seem like important information to hold in my head.

Thank you for your lovely reply. ^_^ The story has a happy ending and I am on my way to better! I’m just really grateful that people like you are writing about the programs that do their worst. Keep fighting the good fight!

I don’t have much to add, because this is great, but I will say this: I was really struck by the fact that, in facing down her death, Betty showed more of a level head, less selfishness, and more maturity than she had ever had before. It made me so sad and so proud of her, in a way. I just thought she was showing true

I also like the interviews at the end of the show. Did you see the one this week with the Container Store Gigolo? His story is amazing and the look on Amy’s face when he tells her they started a union is priceless.

Insisting that the rest of the English-speaking world adhere to your particular syntactic preferences is not a path that will lead to happiness and contentment. Insisting that the rest of the English-speaking world adhere to your particular syntactic preferences is, however, a terrific way to feel smug and superior to

If you wanna get REALLY meta about it, all I can think is that Amy Schumer should have a late night show. She’s a great comedian so she would nail the monologue portion, and she’s even BETTER at interviewing people. The part of her show where she interviews random people on the street might be my favorite part of her

Allen is a ‘former’ city manager because his all-female commission fired him. I wonder if he might have some sort of ax to grind about women in authority.

We could literally (yes, literally) hear the reaction from inside our house: the faint yet numerous screams of outrage from a few miles south of us and across I-35. We were crying, too.

I remember watching this and crying softly.

Mayor Steve Adler’s response, “These kinds of stereotypes about women are hurtful and wrong. Not Austin values.”

I’d say that sounds about right.

Wow! By the same logic, I can generalize all the things I learned by talking to my 3 yo nephew to all adult male politicians. Hmmm... okay, that would mean men throw temper tantrums when they don’t get what they want, refuse to urinate and defecate in socially acceptable places and have trouble with abstract concepts.

Right, but she was making an ironic statement, I think anyway, about the general problem of whites calling blacks a “problem population.” She took that ugly statement and turned it around against whites. I think you’re choosing not to see that irony there.