
So, just to be clear here - Allen West thinks that a Christian shouldn’t have to make a cake for a gay wedding, but that a Muslim person should absolutely be required to serve him alcohol? Ah, I see the standard of hypocrisy is low these days.

Oooh! OOOOOH! Does this mean we can use the Sharia Law defense to get rid of the ridiculous and oppressive Blue Laws in Texas? Because not being able to buy hard liquor on Sunday mornings is definitely infringing upon my beliefs!!!

I know lots of people read that scene as a reflection on Betty’s vanity, but god, it just broke my heart. That line, “Will you tell them how I like my hair?” - Betty knows that no one will do right by her like her daughter and she’s entrusting that to her. Yes, it’s superficial, but it’s also a measure of control

“Sansa’s not a killer. Not yet, anyway.” - Tyrion to Jamie, S4.

I think you touched upon the ultimate irony of the whole series. 95% (99%?) of what’s going on South of the Wall is people losing their lives to rearrange the Titanic’s deckchairs.

“a Targaryen alone in the world” is “a terrible thing.” and Jon Snow enters

Come here and sign the official petition to put Stannis on the Iron Throne simply because he has excellent grammar! Hearing him mutter ‘fewer’ was an episode highlight for me.

All I remember is being ASTOUNDED that the idea of using one’s leg muscles was such a foreign concept.

The fish one. Ded.

pretty sure there is a sign about putting your stuff on the seats, though it may be too subtle for the above mouthbreathers to fully grasp.

Honest to god the thing that freaks me out is how in depth and coherent I can be about certain things...and be a fucking train wreck about other...seemingly minor things. I had do give a brief today, involving people in multiple countries, about harmonics affecting a drive. Its high level math. I could do it right now

I never played pro sports. I was decent enough in High School to get scouts showing up for my baseball games as a catcher, but I had spina bifida, and whenever they found out about that, college offers disappeared.

every single word in this piece is satirizing exactly the kind of piece people are reading it as. sarah miller, you genius

Sarah you are very funny, but you’re wrong. WRONG!

The system in this country is not broken. It is working exactly as designed.

I gotta believe that Don is just going to keep on driving to California and maybe walk into the ocean like that one ad campaign he did.

The usual translation for that piece’s name is “Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife.”

I had momentarily lost all hope for any of the characters until Peggy’s triumphant appearance at McCann.

If Fox News did a segment on the “myth” of wage inequality where all of the anchors got together and had to lay their paychecks side by side to openly see who makes what, and then watch the ones who make more try to justify their higher wage to the lower paid anchors, I would watch the shit outta that train wreck.