
Starred for that last sentence, because damn.

See this makes me wonder, was she ever trying to pass? Or did she just hang around Black people for long enough that people just started assuming she was Black and she never bothered to correct them?

We need a Lifetime movie to sort this hot-ass mess out. I suggest casting Emma Stone, she’s the only actress who could

Here’s a pic of her at Howard, she’s top left.

Can I get odds on her being a Jez comentor who stars all the ‘lol white people’ comments.

Regarding Aloha, if their goal was to cast famous movie stars in order to sell more tickets, then they utterly failed.

There’s so many Audrey films that are way better than BaT’s! Funny Face and Roman Holiday have the same amount of lovely Audrey-ness without the whining and the racism (um, as far as I can recall).

As I’ve gotten older, as much as I love Audrey, the character Holly is a whiny asshole. And the racism is gross.

I find The Help is much improved if Stone’s character is veiwed as a plot device, so you can focus on the real stars.

Olivia Munn. There. Fixed it for you.

So much this. Linda Holmes from NPR pointed out in her blog on The Avengers that part of the problem is scarcity of representation. If there’s only one woman, or only one native Hawaiian (who looks white and is played by a white actress), then that ONE CHARACTER has to stand in for all of the other people who aren’t

His statement is so disingenuous. What he really means is: “If you’re going to wait around to find the perfect actress who is a quarter Asian, and not just a quarter Asian but a quarter Hawaiian Asian and who is also a famous movie star who white people will buy tickets to see, you will never cast your movie.”

Coming this summer....Emma Stone is...Rachel Dolezal

Anonymous producer: “If you’re going to wait around to find the perfect actress who is a quarter Asian, and not just a quarter Asian but a quarter Hawaiian Asian, you will never cast your movie.”

Funny how only white people seem to have the spirit of so many roles!

We have turned into such a police state that there are actually people employed by law enforcement to literally police college kids walking into and out of bars. Yeah, this isn’t exploitive bull crap. A division of law enforcement, not funded to capture rapists, gang members, murderers, home invaders, gang bangers,

This isn’t about a white woman trapped in a black woman’s body. This is about a woman who lied about everything she was and is. Even passing off different people as her father and children. This is about lying. That’s it. She lied about who she is, what she is and where she came from.

What does that mean though? Black/White/Asian/European women’s bodies are all the same (apart from each individual snowflake differences) but in the grand scheme, they all tend to have a higher BMI than males, have boobies and a vag and ovaries. You can’t FEEL like a black person (or a white person or any other race)

Ima just continue my little rant because, yup, still fucking pissed.

So I’m a white woman. I’m a lit scholar, and while I don’t focus exclusively on African-American or black lit, I do study race & ethnicity in early American fiction. I understand the complicated feelings that come with being a white person dedicated to doing this kind of work. But holy shit, I cannot fathom ever doing