
@redwall: That presumes that there is a single "perfect fit". I think that the usage scenarios and personal preferences out there would benefit from having a selection.

I don’t know what this is actually a picture of given that its (fairly) common knowledge that the whole thing was an Orson Welles hoax. Later he went on to fake his own birth and various other hijinks.

Wait a minute... you mean there are phones out there without kickstands?

@OMG! Red!: While that is entirely possible... I feel comfortable in saying that youre a liar.

@Schalliol: To be fair, the possibilities include:

@teh1andonlym0: In politics, someone will win the election. It is believed by some that the tablet model represents a staple of future computing, wherein owning one is as much a given as a cell phone. Would you like an iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, or non-smartphone? One way or another you’ll end up

I agree with a few others that have noted the lack of "neither" as an option. Apple is pretty good at generating hype but I think this one might be an epic of market misinterpretation. While I have every intent to buy a tablet in the next year, I believe that Apple has just led the entire industry into a race to

@Dodge2002: Now, imagine that your looking at your keyboard while typing and get distracted before you hit the K... quick conversation, a cup of coffee and all the sudden you're the office pervert.

@Garion: If that were my intent, I could have left it fewer words... "It's awsome". However, this comment was about talking about one of the features of my phone and how it has impacted the way I will shop for tablets.

@Ben92: Have you seen this:

@tymiles: Its all a matter of pro's and con's, personal knowledge, risk awareness / mitigation, etc.

@everythingeverythingelse: I did, but I dont agree with it. I'm not saying that its universally great... im sure that there are glitches and short comings.

Obviously, you guys didn’t try to access ALL of the world’s websites during a lunch outing and I would be confident that there are other sites that would have also been blocked. That said, it’s not likely to have been a terribly scientific test.

@Go Vols!: While I haven’t seen any raw numbers, I was pretty sure that the sales of the ipad had peaked when it was released. If they sold 2 million in the first 2 months, and are now hovering around the 3 million mark, sales would be declining. Obviously, there is a percentage of those sales that fall into the

For what it’s worth, Im running an Android 2.2 Evo (with Flash 10.1) and it is very very cool. Having used it for a while now, I couldn’t imagine spending money on a tablet that couldn’t run Flash.

@satirical duck hat: And what percentage of those people properly weighed the question vs buying it because it was there?