
@Denver: Those are capsules...

@Go Vols!: While Apple may hit the 1% mark by Christmas, that number isn’t terribly relevant to this survey as it purports to measure those that "will" buy, not that "have" bought. Yes, at some point the number of people that bought ipads would have been in this calculation… but they already bought theirs.

I know that it’s not talked about here that often, but (for those that haven’t seen it in a while) Windows Media Center beats the pants off of any media center-type device that Ive ever seen…and I’ve looked around.

Looks like somebody found their way into the Stargate prop closet...

@FeyerbrandX: To be fair, "" is not an email address... so he still wins.

@Insecur1tyGuard: His name isnt CptnReadsTheWholeArticle... I fail to see your point.

@FlyingAvocado: All kidding aside, I'd bet $1000 thats precisely the reason.

@techynottreky: What the hell? I think you might need calibrated. At the very least some sort of maintenance is required. Im guessing a few blown transistors...

@vel0city: It really sounds like a great summer activity and it certainly breaks the pattern of normal vacation videos

@nuclearbalm: Anything special for ensuring your lens doesnt get covered in water?

@Infamous Scapegoat: Fair, I Guess it not that ugly. It just looks dated to me, like something that HP would have made 7 years ago.

Considering that Android doubled its numbers since May, I think that the way ahead is pretty clear.

@modestmouse: You're right. I didnt count out all of their products to get to that number. There are a lot of non-i things in tier line-up, but they they still focus on them (a passing glance at their homepage makes that point).

@iphone_myphone: I had one once with a pretty bad limp, called her Tilt

While I rarely find myself under the sea, I really want this for some reason. For a few weeks all anybody around me would hear is how we need to find some water to take video in and then it'll be on to the next distraction.

@talkingstove: Sounds about right... I was reaching with all that "ask permission" talk.

If using a couple of Samsung Captivates or maybe an old G1...

@talkingstove: Interesting point. I suppose that they may in fact have had their permission. I wouldnt speak to its likelihood, but it is possible.

@MayorBloomberg: They do stick "Windows" into way more places than they should, but in a manner more similar to the Mac moniker. The "i" trend feels like something different all together.