
Seriously... whatever is going on with the "creative" new design direction that this site is going sucks. I clicked the article tiltle for the Live Blog 3 times before I realized that something on the screen had actually changed. Why would I think that Im looking at the article I want if it also seems to have other

@FruityCheeto: Are you implying that a Fruitier Cheeto was in the cards?

I never really thought of it that way, but I am now very intrigued by the notion of seeing the periodic table as some sort of cosmic puzzle… that not only "can" you combine all of the elements, but that they are in fact meant to exist that way. As with all puzzles, we would surely find that we’re missing pieces, and

@Drive-by troll: Well, Im certainly not a fan of your comment, but I have to say that I agree with it.

@MaNiFeX: Im guessing not terribly accurate… as there seems to be an abundance of them "planted" in the middle of many streets. Then again, who am I to judge the San Francisco City Planner…

@Mark Greig: Treason certainly seems to be the more appropriate billing for something like this.

@vinod1978: While it is tempting to see them as similar or even the same, they are not. Wikileaks is an organization built upon the idea of releasing classified materials. Not once, not when a big story floats by, but rather exists solely for the systematic disclosure of anything with a secret or top secret stamp

@OtherTimes: "But there is nothing the government should do or know that we as the people do not have a right to know ourselves."

@Keredstg: Legend has it that the boy was attempting to notify his director / producer / "handler" that he had to go to the bathroom (or had just went in his pants).... or so the legend goes

Chinese counterfeiters copy this and they copy that… Companies complain about all the copies flowing out of China…

"…back when Microsoft was still the most important technology company on the planet"

@curiouscomputer: You posed a theory... a theory that I assume to be true.

@UCFw00t: While its certainly "possible", I think that it is only slightly more "possible" than everyone in the parade had been drugged and forcibly made to dance down the street.

@RocketBoy: Now, the question is how long until some sort of "we were dancing in the streets to Thriller, because..." message hits the wire.

My current theory is this:

That monkey is gonna change my life...

@Jeff: Wait wait wait... YOU'RE the horse?

@Google: Privacy is Job 1: Granted, as you said it was a long time ago... but I would have bet good money that it was in fact A-B-B-A.