
The only thing noteworthy here is that they (allegedly) did it to an app that was already in the store. You don’t have to be a detective to see that a system in which people send fully functional applications to a software company for "approval" has the potential to give away more than a few potentially great ideas.

@MayorBloomberg: No doubt. However, I believe that theres a line between maintaining a consistent and clear message/image and dumbing things down to a silly and potentially insulting degree.

@Robert Anhalt: Yes... You named a few phones from Motorola and one from HTC... whats your point?

@ikat48: "BTW, what's scripture?"

Would'nt mind a little "The Punisher" action as well...

@7 of pi: "Not all packets are created equal."

$10 says it will be called "iBike" or "iRide".

@CaptainJack: I stick to the "Pure" ones. Then again, that also means that she prefers Windows Mobile and therefore doesnt care about technology... which can be a turn off.

"Can I bum(p) a few bucks?"

@dfp3050: Got a bunch here for $3.

@acountddd: I was going to, but for the life of me, I couldnt remember his name. Somehow, I found myself in that grey zone between too lazy to look it up and not to lazy to post the comment.

Apple Givith, Apple Take Awayth.

@Wipeout: damn it. damn it. damn it.

@musiqrulez: Really? I just figured that form "over" function had won out in fancy-cake-land.

For various reasons (well, 2 mostly… shared remote powers and I can generally get sucked into anything that’s on), I find myself watching the assortment of Cake shows that are on nowadays. For the life of me I cant figure out why the hell everyone is making a big deal about it. They’re using fondant (sp) for every

@HashMaster9000: So... you're grass-rooting a "Groomzilla" show pitch? Is that your angle?

I didnt know that the guy from Knocked Up sold toy helicopters...

@—Core—: Its all relative. Most (moderately) successful people would /do justify spending a couple hundred dollars on a good detail. Spend $200 on a pair of shoes? Sure, people do it every day. Eat at a fancy restaurant? Most couples do it at least a few times a year. Spend $6 on a fancy coffee drink at

@Monty: Does that mean that "normally" you're upset by things that bother Eddie Vedder?