
@johnwonderbread: Indeed... I honestly didnt think it was that witty... didnt occur to me that this many people would be downright confused by it :)

I couldn’t be happier with it. The screen size is amazing and I can’t even imagine going back to my old iPhone 3G. In fact, I picked it up the other day and was shocked with how small and less functional it felt. The internet is blazing fast. Hell, I don’t even have 4G turned on most of the time and I’ve never

@pixelpushing: Im always surprised with how much of the video content on the internet is Quicktime-based...

@Gators15: Obviously, its not magical…. Merely a jab at what many here find acceptable from others.

@tyler.derden: Everyone i know has a 360 and it has on online offering that overwhelmingly beats that offered by any other system. The media extender-ness of it is also out of this world if you've built out a media center pc... its like a dvr from the future.

While grammatically correct, the title is awfully misleading.

@Spoony: That, and wether or not its using an "open" standard aside, Microsoft has been in the video collaboration game for a long time. Why on earth would anybody throw out the last decade and a half of industry experience and bet on the "thing" Apple just trotted out on stage, having never been seen in the wild?

I’m torn between thinking that you’re joking throughout this article or it’s the dumbest thing that I’ve ever seen you write. I’m going to go ahead and assume it’s the former…

I’m not sure what the reason is, whether or not there’s just an abundance of Apple-loving, Microsoft-hating commenters or grumpy PS3 owners since they’re stuck with the "orb-on-a-stick", or perhaps there’s just a strong willingness to dislike something… which ever it is, its downright silly.

@ChocoboSandwich: Ok, I’ll bite… Can you direct me to few hundred forums and blogs that are full of people defending the claims of each of those companies?

@Mindfield: Mostly, just Apple. It’s the often religious following that gets under my skin. It’s the sense of self-righteousness and smugness that often spills out of those that will defend them to the ends of the earth that bother me. Its watching people follow a set of ideals that a company is selling them, but

@DPeezy: Yes, they are relative terms and are often unqualified. However, most companies refrain from using them because it belittles their customers and (generally) is met with ridicule from the press. Apple trots these terms out as core components to every marketing campaign they produce and the media seems to

@Colton Wyman: Yeah, because Google is the one with the reputation for limiting your access to things...

In determining the best tool to setup your fancy ipad to read it, watch it, etc without using your hands, I don’t know that using one that enables it to literally walk away is the best idea…

Im sure that the display is great, but the "controversy" is centered around whether or not to give Apple another pass when it comes to over-hyping and often blatently lying about a new product to make people think that the tech is far better than it actually is. Its not rocket science... when that happens, it creates

@vinod1978: Apple’s (recent) success may very well have been a data point in the decision making process, but to attempt to identify them as the sole catalyst for the effort is silly. I’ve come to expect more from you. Any store that decides to stand up a brand-only shop will have similar characteristics… things to

@vinod1978: From a decor perspective, the store in the pic looks like nearly every building on the redmond campus

@vinod1978: From a services perspective, the complaint is pretty silly.