
@neoflux: I think that they do. Theyre a small mom and pop outfit that runs most of the world's enterprise IT infrastructures.

@Lizard_King: I know theres buzz and all, but dont be "that guy" know, the one saying things like "iOS 3.0"...

@gdlla96: Do you have any idea how absurd of an argument that is?

@Platypus Man: I cant seem to drink coffee either, something about the taste just doesnt sit well with me. I do however burn through 2 of these 5 Hour Energys a day though.

@Mikestan: And what? Apple was somehow "forced" in exclusivity deal with a single carrier? In a world where they chose a business strategy that marries its users to a specific phone company, they are as responsible as anyone for the end user experience across the board.

@citaro: Yeah, that whole iOS being the center of their universe is a real problem. It really seems like a juvenile approach, one that any company with sustained success would know better than to pursue.

@storm: Absolutely, they're making a fortune. But what they're missing is that when cards are played differently, they can see 20-30 year highs instead of 5-10 year highs. He'll die a rich man, no doubt about it, but at what cost to Apple and to the innovative spark that they do bring to the table?

@gdlla96: Except the calls part right?

@KStrike155: I knew Google maps was on my old iphone, but i never used it much. On my new Evo, i was amazed at the turn by turn direction usability and assumed that it was there on the iphone too...

So Google Maps doesnt work on the iphone?

I’m curious as to what the next guy will say when he fires Jobs…

Try again when you find a controller that has buttons...

@utsava: I suppose we'll see...

Damn, for a minute a thought this was gonna be a story about Apple getting mono...

Very interesting.

@scottlandk: Yeah, if only there was way to drive the manufacturing process so hard that it made the workers jump out of windows... oh wait...

I'd like to remind all the really fun commenters here about this article posted here yesterday: []

@Dion Roberts: Well, he cant be the only one that is impressed with the marketplace, as everyone in this household is as well. Wouldnt go back to an iphone if somebody paid me to do it...