
Is everyone forgetting that the *Republicans* could have passed this without a single Democrat getting on board, and didn’t? Why is anyone playing into the narrative that the Democrats were the problem.

My job is my job. My catharsis is cross-stitching and no one can take that from me.

How much did Reelz pay Kim for that tweet? Their commercials love to remind me about how they’re a small business.


This isn’t going to work because you have the relationship wrong. YouTube is not the employer of content creators, it is the store they are sold in. Why would the store be considered the employer of the people who make the products sold in the store?

I feel like this movie is only going to be funny if it ends in her killing them all.

You know what else is too complex for its own good? This INFINITE SCROLL BULLSHIT on all the I Can’t Believe It’s Not Gawker sites.

Ratings don’t count if you don’t have advertisers.

I hope he won’t come back from his vacation at all.

So this how it happens; the constant drip of water wears away the rock after a thousand years. Success!

Hate to be a highlight truther here, but HOLY SHIT how can’t they call that travel? I think Earl/Dave Hebner are NBA refs now. League is more crooked than Lombard Street.

Imagine an industry where a large percentage of it’s employees end up with neurological problems and the public just shrugging it off.

💜 you so much for “100 Days of Clusterfuck”!

I have to say, Trump is making my arguments with my Republican co-workers so fucking easy these days. They can’t respond to half the stuff I point out.

He’s a freakin’ dipshit.

The only thing I remember about Tidal is this:

It’s likely Jay was more willing to make his music available on the service that yielded larger royalties.

ALL of our racists are fucking stupid, thank you very much.