Does anyone else think Laurel looks like Kate Mara, or….?
Does anyone else think Laurel looks like Kate Mara, or….?
that literally had me going "what the fuck?" I haven't seen that much puke since my sister ate Papa John's when we were kids.
I think I'd buy that hour of footage.
I imagine her just staring with her phone out recording it and saying, "awwwwww yissssss. mothafucking salmon ladder abs"
The hoodie comes in the mail next week.
The zombie chainsaw thing and leaving town have been the only smart things she's done.
"Wrestle a bear. Don't lose."
"Wrestle a bear. Don't lose."
It's "Crackwhore Red."
It's "Crackwhore Red."
Anyone else lose it when Thredson was all, "She won't bite…I took her teeth," or when Mary told Arden that Shelley was lightweight?
Anyone else lose it when Thredson was all, "She won't bite…I took her teeth," or when Mary told Arden that Shelley was lightweight?
I want to know what she said, simply because the dude's face made it all seem horrible.
I want to know what she said, simply because the dude's face made it all seem horrible.
I get the feeling everything meant to be arousing would turn out to be some of the most degrading and horrifying things ever.
I get the feeling everything meant to be arousing would turn out to be some of the most degrading and horrifying things ever.
Rebecca Romijn killed me with her dirty talk.
Rebecca Romijn killed me with her dirty talk.
Mangoat. Don't ask.