Freedom Cow

How is getting him arrested for gun possession a scam? Not really understanding.

Psoriasis isn’t like eczema — psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that requires some pretty heavy-duty (oral or injected) medication along with topical treatment, and it can develop into debilitating psoriatic arthritis.

Maybe you could explain that to Vogue, too? I think last year they said it was one of the greatest love story novels or something along those lines. Sigh...

This is only tangentially related, but I had to recently explain to a friend that Lolita is not a love story. Like, no. Just no.

Sprinkles was a very private fish, and didn’t discuss such things with us.

I did not understand that tweet at all. I was fine until the fire part and then I was totally and completely lost.

Ow, that dress Gina is wearing in the header photo is giving my boobs sympathy pains.

Can we stop with all the Paris at Burning Man coverage? Both are the worst!

that picture is cracking me up. its just soooo her.

Kate has two children. She has had hyperemesis gravidarum with both of them necessitating at the very least hospital treatment and in one case an actual hospital stay. If she’s not on every kind of birth control she can get and asking William to get snipped she’s insane. I mean if she does decide to have another child

And you even included an image of Oprah’s seventh home. How very apropos.

That’s my reaction to this gif as well. I just sort of... melt.

What if, and I’m just throwing this out there, if the cupcakes that Miley had were made from the Sprinkle cake mix that you can get from Pillsbury? I believe that you can even get frosting that matches.

Imagine being the third Hemsworth brother.


shaming a woman for getting implants is pretty easy when you’ve already got decent boobs.

(I assume this is either a fancy cupcake bakery or Miley Cyrus’s alien friend who happens to make cupcakes named Sprinkles.)

lol despite? All kinds of rich people almost always abuse prescription pills

If he’s actually embarrassed he shouldn’t be. I mean, if my body (and dick) looked that good I'd rarely wear clothes at all. Proudly.

Bloom: “Hey, Miranda. Just a head’s up. The most embarrassing photos you can imagine of me are going to be coming out. You’ve been warned”