Freedom Cow

What is Matt Bomber supposed to do, “easily”?

Maybe Matt Bomer didn’t think “maybe someday you’ll actually do something good” was opening the conversation and thought it felt just a teeny tad hostile from someone he didn’t know at all.

Slightly related but not really - <3 <3 <3 <3 Jamie Clayton. Her and Amanita in Sense8 are such a cute couple (I would say cutest but Hernando and Lito might take the cake).

I am dying for a second season over here.

And dealing with chronic illness in the eye of never ending tabloids, paps, and instagram? No shit anxiety’s happening.

But, as People also reports, one Kenneth M. Farber, the co-CEO and co-founder of the Lupus Research Alliance said that “it is not commonly known that depression, anxiety and panic attacks can be side effects of lupus,”

One of my favorite things about being alive is that that book exists. The description on Amazon is amazing: “a mousy, timid librarian is summoned to a remote Canadian island to inventory the estate of Colonel Cary, who, she learns soon enough, had any number of secrets. But the most surprising and enduring secret is a

for the same reason that groups like the Earth liberation front or the communist party are allowed to exist. We have decided as a nation that free speech, free association, and free thought are all good things to have. So, we end up with some really great groups, and some really crappy ones. However, that is really a

Laws declaring belonging to a certain organization to be illegal, independent of that organization’s actual activities, have been overturned numerous times.

Because of the constitutionally-protected rights to free speech and free association.

Jaden in The Get Down on Netflix is so adorable and talented. He seems nervous in the first episode but after that he is really great.

Am I the only one who finds these kids cute as hell. They say a lot of stupid stuff but ultimately theyre good kids with good intentions for the world. Also Willow is hella talented.

Same with my friend’s son. There were several signs, and friends and extended family saw some of this too. She (his mother) also finds being willing to risk death from preventable disease, rather than an ASD diagnosis offensive.

Well. Now I need a tissue. That statement from the obituary—damn.

It’s fucking insane that we don’t have paper ballots in every single election in every single jurisdiction.

Like we need paper ballots.

At least hillary’s complaint would be legit.

on a scale of one to 10, this threat was an “eight.”

I’m not particularly attractive, but I “get away with” not wearing makeup by not giving a flying fuck.

Alicia Keys can get away without makeup because, well, she’s really attractive.

I guess I’m just not impressed with that argument. I assume the auto-injector is patented or some other absurdity? It strikes me as the kind of thing that can be manufactured for pennies.