Freedom Cow

There was a time when Alyssa Milano was a bigger star than Doherty. It was very believable she had the sway to get Doherty “pushed” off a show.

All three of these women seem to be on the same page regarding Milano’s behaviour so I think you can file McGowan under broken clocks.

She used the fact that she was a woman to recruit these girls. They probably thought what could go wrong, there is a woman here who will look out for me. 

No one forced Maxwell to spend her time helping Epstein and his friends engage in trafficking and sex crimes. She willing went along with everything for years and elected not to say anything. She belongs in prison. So do a lot of other people associated with Epstein but I doubt that will happen.

I’ve reluctantly concluded that fighting Gen X erasure around here is a fool’s errand.

The ‘communications error’ was getting caught you dink....and idiotic considering people are tired of this bullshit with other influencers/tiktokers/youtubers and are now checking receipts because shockingly, we don’t trust you as far as we can bowl you.

The whole almond industry can die in a fire, not because I care what anyone calls “milk” but because it’s MAGA corporate welfare pretending to be victims of left-wing environmentalism while using a hugely unnecessary share of California’s water resources to raise their products in a desert so they can export them to

My guess is that they couldn’t find a lawyer willing to take the case.

Pricilla spent years promoting her relationship with Elvis as some great love affair so Lisa Marie probably bought into that. That was what helped build the brand, the myth and kept Pricilla in the limelight.

The Al Pacino baby thing makes me so uncomfortable. It looks like elder abuse. It looks like a planned scam to con him out of $30k per month. Ugh.

What the hell were they waiting for? It’s like when Zeppelin got sued over Stairway to Heaven. If you’ve waited this long to bring a lawsuit, too bad, you missed your chance.

Jonathan Majors isn’t the issue at Marvel, pumping out constant intertwined narratives that require far too much of the average audience is the issue.

The things that’s striking me is that she ups and leaves as soon as accountants started doing audits. That is not a personal thing to a business relationship....its really a normal day to day (hell I do them quarterly on my own personal stuff) and anyone with that amount of bread should be doing them often.

Especially for a man who died in 1977. Seriously, WTF?

Her look is intentional though. It is not a picture taken at an importune moment which paints her in a bad light. She enthusiastically chose that presentation.

censorship = people are not paying enough attention to me. This happened in a local school board fight about banning books. A lot of people who had been getting up to scream at board and call everyone a bunch of pedophiles and groomers claimed that no one was listening to them. More accurately, people WERE listening

I wonder if he just used one of her eggs for the third child, and then otherwise kept her completely at arm’s length for the whole duration of the surrogate’s pregnancy.

Hilton is 42 years old.  Isn’t it time for her to give up the ingenue schtick?

Jonathan Majors’ PR team are the only people keeping this story in the news. Most people accused of crimes use their right not to talk by not talking. All of this reminds me of the recent Johnny Depp trial but without the bot army. 

Yeah, they are insane about vile abusers like Michael Jackson and Kobe Bryant.