Freedom Cow

One day I hope someone makes a Celine Dion biopic but told exclusively from the point of view of Sarah Miller as relayed in this review.

This was a JOY to read.

One time, a Scottish man jokingly tried to get me, a Canadian, to ‘apologize’ for Celine.

I’m sure they’re still finding bits of him strewn about Ayrshire.

LOL, OK “Mr. Niceguy”

It’s really selling itself.

Aidan Turner as Bond would impregnate me in the movie theater. So smoking.

Oh, and one more thing: you can be guaranteed that the fucking assholes who repeated what Ms. Blair said while under the influence were NOT the nurses who cared for her during the flight.

It must be great to be so perfect.

Gah. I hope she’s all right and it was just a one-off bad reaction to the combo of wine and pills. How scary for the kid too, damn.

Rhetta as bond is everything I never knew I always wanted.


Yeah, girl, your pregnant lazy is my non-pregnant normal.

olivia i just ordered spicy cheetos from amazon to my home

How did Amber win that? All she did was trot around and twerk for a second. That’s not nearly as impressive as the other lady.

I wish I had Amber Rose’s open schedule, and bank account

People on the autistic spectrum tend to be more rule-following/law-abiding then the average person, so if she had an ASD and knew about his plans and knew of a way of alerting the authorities without jeopardizing her safety, she probably would have squealed.

Right. And I would add that people always project more competency onto physically attractive people than unattractive people. One of my company’s client’s was an Anne Hathaway type physically. People just literally did not believe that she was disabled.

My husband has looked after people with similar challenges. To the casual observer, they are able to function like everyone else but they are DANGEROUSLY naive.

Why not both?

No, he is not. Even if he was as objectively good looking as his brother, Chris is also funny, therefore exponentially adding to his overall attractiveness and leaving Liam in the dust.

Is he the hottest Hemsworth though? We need a popular vote on this.