I hate to be That Guy but it’s interesting how they didn’t need to “investigate” this or put him on a payed suspension first...as they do when they sometimes murder unarmed people
I hate to be That Guy but it’s interesting how they didn’t need to “investigate” this or put him on a payed suspension first...as they do when they sometimes murder unarmed people
This woman is so badass.
The original story says the parents who sold their daughter were Amish, so... kind of?
Also his Hulu show, Difficult People, is fucking god awful.
I've lived long enough at this point that being a dick isn't funny so much as sad and, to me, a broadcaster of what a miserable person someone is. I'm too tired for assholes. There's too many, mostly in positions of authority. It's also low hanging fruit. Anyone can be funny and mean. Being funny and pleasant requires…
Where I come from hotboxxing is going into a small enclosed space and sealing any potential exits so as to get more stoned when smoking pot.
I saw a commercial for his show and almost started a Go Fund Me so I could hire someone to hit him in the crotch with a baseball bat.
I love me some Uzo Aduba but I am so wary of this new season of OITNB. Husband and I watched Ep. 1 earlier today and it was surprisingly good (and they seem to have listened to fan criticism) but Holy God are my expectations low based on last season’s weirdo/snorefest. Any other OITNB watchers have thoughts? (BUT NO…
Like, Mathews and Eichner aren’t serious here right?
Ross should have referenced Steve Allen. Boom.
I like Ross’ last word. this one goes to Ross!
In all fairness we don't know her life or the abilities of her child. Sometimes kids go through difficult periods and parents get run ragged. Happens!
Fuck all this vegan bullshit, something amazing just happened!
No. It’s come before the legislature, but current law prohibits public funds from being spent on private education, and there are currently no state programs for financial assistance to attend private schools.
Jesus Christ. They tried to lynch her. Look at that wound. That will leave a scar that people will ask her about her whole life. Not only will she have to live with the memory of her classmates trying to LYNCH her, but she will also be reminded of it every time she looks in the mirror.
I heard about this on The Read a few weeks ago and it drove me crazy.
That’s a piss-poor attempt at CYA. I’m sure he knows it’s bullshit.
“HAIR GOALSSSSSZZZZZ!!!!!!!” I screamed, to no one