Freedom Cow

All this time I thought the original First Wives Club was about a gathering of presidential spouses.

It’s like they can’t hold two thoughts at once.

The media is totally sensationalizing the story. He was a violent and suicidal 16 year old with comorbid mental health issues. Apparently, there could have been an intervention before this happened, but the system failed him and his victim.

In a major upset for liberal queer ladies like myself nationwide

Hey, you know what else is bad for small businesses? Gigantic chain like Home Depot that move into mid-sized towns and drive those small hardware shops out of business.

And, presumably, to Shaffer’s wife Cathy.

Can you please change this to use the appropriate word which is RAPE!?

raping, not having sex with

I feel like it’s a newish thing, and that ‘Princess Day’ is actually ‘Disney Princess Day.’

It actually does hold up as real. You don’t need to be a priest to baptize someone.


I feel like maybe Mr. Ali deserved his own post not just an item on dirtbag?

Mohammad Ali was such a big part of my childhood. I grew up with a tribe of slightly older boys who adored the man. Hero worship doesn’t even begin to describe it.. During the early 70'she was just such an omnipresent part of pop culture and society. It’s almost hard to explain to people in today celebrity focused

This is the first and last time I will ever say this:

I hate to break it to you, but this mess is really all your daddy’s fault.

I’m guessing she’s either not reading much Phillip K. Dick or is reading entirely too much Phillip K. Dick. Either way she seems to think it’s non fiction.

It seems the more harshly you punish kids the worse they behave. When I was a kid, I used to love doing bad stuff behind my Mom’s back. It was like giving her the middle finger. My eldest brother got the harshest punishments and he still talks about it almost every time I see him. He’s currently drinking himself into

OMG thank you so much, these are amazing. Raccoons are such filthy little hornballs!

Yep, see also: like shiny things, and have tiny thieving hands. And sometimes live in trees.