I like seeing celebrity relationships where the people in them give about as much of a shit as I do.
I like seeing celebrity relationships where the people in them give about as much of a shit as I do.
An armed white guy.
“She cheated on me...” So what?! Grow the fuck up crybaby. Once again a woman is dead cause a man threw a temper tantrum.
I love him. What you said + a gazillion. What he is doing for STEM for young people is magnificent. Brrrrrruppp!
OMG I figured it out, YOKO is PROPHET.
The picture is amazing but oh my god, the pain on his face when he is restrained :-(
This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this before. It speaks volumes.
please note, I used to post as samhamsam, but forgot to store my password, now I sound like a sandwich from a “zany” deli.
addiction runs in my family and i have definitely seen addicts who do well when they live with someone who sets a schedule, keeps drugs/alcohol out of the house, and gives them normalcy and predictability, and then they go way the fuck off the rails when they don’t have that.
I’ve known it to happen. You also have to keep in mind, it wasn’t just Vanessa. It was his kids too. It may have been the stability and routine of the whole family thing that kept him together.
I’d bet a lot you aren’t far off with that. Yes, yes... It’s speculation... But it’s clear he went off the rails with booze and drugs after his split with Vanessa. He lost all the stability in his life. The texts also seems to confirm that he flies into fits of rage when intoxicated and “doesn’t remember after”. I…
You know, I feel bad for Debra Messing. I’m sure she’s sincere.
The Hobbit is an easy reader, and written for children. Perfect intro to fantasy for kiddos! And a little scary which many littles love.
Just got an email from the law school. If anyone is on campus the law library is open and secure.
In other news I’m about to make a birthday cake for my boss with a cute little piggy on top. Her daughter emailed me last minute and asked since she had seen some of my cakes on Instagram. It’s going to be almond cake with roasted cherries and whipped cream filling with chocolate ganache on top.
Oh my god. This poor woman, her poor family, her poor daughter. As someone who works with foreign students and exchange visitors, there’s something particularly awful to me about the loss and violation a family suffers when they lose a daughter or son to violence in another country.
“It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with. It’s very early to make a conclusion as to what the cause, intent, motive and facts were to this unfortunate tragedy.”
“It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with.”