Freedom Cow

I’d hardly think R Kelly’s crimes are “the least little thing.”

Did Robert Plant? I know Page, Nugent and Steven Tyler did.

He seems lovely and a bit mad. A friend of his was sick in Paris when he was young and he walked from Munich to Paris to see her. 

W is a war criminal, responsible for the death of thousands of innocent people. 

That’s where I assumed her phone is.

I think I may be married to Paul Rudd.

Gdragon’s Nike PMO

COdependent No More is the classic. Changed my life (Adult child of an alcoholic)

Read Dance to the Music of Time by Anthony Powell. He is sublime, hilarious, heartbreaking.

Miley Cyrus.

See that happened to me, and I thought it was so amazing! I went out with the guy for a month then it just ended naturally. He turned out to be a domestic abuser. Life is so weird.

Did you get married there? Honeymoon? (I’m sorry, its just hilarious.)

If anything, Stephen King took the page from Allen. He’s never not in his own movies.

Nah, he may not appeal to you personally but lord, he’s plenty appealing.

My son’s high school had threats made (unspecificed by the administration, but there is a police presence there today. yay.) And I read the letter from the principal so that I obviously didn’t sleep well last night. My wonderful husband woke me up for work by bringing me a cup of coffee and said A Koch brother died. I

Teatray? GOd, I think it is Moses . Why do I know that? I’d like to remember my multiplication tables and know which direction North is but NO.

She wasn’t dating him. He was an incel and a stalker.

He should have been told - he has said this crap ruined his friendship with Harry, his girlfriend undoubtedly got death threats and why reignite this? He’s an actual person with an actual private life that has been adversely affected by this. 

I’m enjoying how you know how long she would have been kept out of her home - and the reasons for her rush to get into her home. 

They were trying to keep her from her home and from walking her dog. That’s bullshit, I don’t care what your job is.