Freedom Cow

Does she also have 6 fingers?

MEghan should just send her a lovely fruit basket. All would be forgiven. Perhaps I’m projecting.

I thought “Well I guess that’s how extroverts do it.” I would have been scared and run away, and never had the chance to marry Nick Jonas.

ITs gonna end up Disney+

Its a good way to jinx the relationship.

Diana Mitford Guiness Mosley did. She remained a lovely Fascist until the day she died.

I’m at week 5 post surgery and dear god, I actually have hours at a time when I am not in pain. Which has made me realize how much of the past decades I have had constant nagging pain and how it affects the brain. I feel like I’m getting myself back. Like, I can think real thoughts. And read things that aren’t fanfic.

Sweet baby Krampus, you are going through it. Wish I could help...

Peace to you, my fellow freedom.

oph my, best of luck.

so cute. Ready to set your ex on fire.

Wow, glad it is all ... okay isnt the word but I’m glad your prognosis is good and you don’t have to give up cheese.

So these nuns are kicked out of their home because clergy members were enslaving them?  Did the abusers face any hardship?

I am so pleased to see Andy doing skin to skin contact! Now, just don’t bottle prop, Andy!

My white hair is all in the front. In the back it is still the rich mouse it has been for years. Not pretty.

That’s a good idea - the boxing. My body was fucked up too (I just had some discs replaced in my neck.) But yeah, it was like I’d be making a left hand turn and some random memory would come back.

So now being 90% painfree, not on loads of edibles and narcotics, I realize how much of my life was affected by the Kavanaugh hearings (very triggering) then followed with terrible terrible pain. It now makes sense to me why I couldn’t manage to finish any books and couldn’t watch anything complicated. And also, I’m a

This is how time stops: unpleasant dental work is eternal.

Remember you are interviewing them too.

boo! hope you find out what it is.