
I get that almost being in an accidentvcan make people rude. If the other one is filming you, maybe even more so. But you know what she could've yelled instead? She could have called him an asshole, could've questioned his capability to drive, could've told him that she will call the police bc he seemed drunk to her

For me, it's that I have to say 'Thank you'. If it's a 'nice' catcall, that's what men expect you to do. And that just feels... weird.

I want to star this more!!

This is just sad...

Those exist? And are not jokey in nature?? I am European so I can't quite believe this... (I believe you, just sayin')

heyyyyyyyy... could you PLEASE stop with the details? Promise, if you continue doing that, you'll NEVER get raptured young lady/gentleman!!

people are mean!!

I actually have the solution. Forget the babywipes, those are for pu... ah nevermind. Long story short: do as the muslims do. They usually have a measuring cup or watering can in the bathroom and use it after 'the act' while still on the toilet. You let the water run down your genitalia ans clean with your hand. Never

It's not the US though. For example: in Germany, where I live, the highest sentence you can get for anything is 15 years. It also has to do with EU regulations.

probably carbs! I'm gonna go ask Megan if she has some left over for you ;)

"Koennen Sie das bitte wieder mit zuruecknehmen?" is what you would/could say to a German server ;)

best idea! you should write a movie!

Nice try, John Smith (nice name, btw).Please enlighten me then: what DO you mean with ghetto entertainment as opposed to 'civilized' entertainment. That's the binary structure you came up with in your comment. But I am alll ears: maybe you just misphrased. Eagerly awaiting your explanation as to what you mean by

No, actually you are wrong. Why call it ghetto? Are there no other words to describe bad behavior and ill manners?

uh, we have a mindreader over here!

"If the shop owners were gay and the reason for the shoplifting was because the shop owners were specifically targeted for being gay, then yes, I tend to think the complaint would indeed mention that it happened during Gay Days." - thank you, exactly! Stop making a 'I am targeted by the gay mafia, poor little white

that wouldn't be funny though... it's about him still holding a grudge and now thinking he had leverage over the girl who probably doesn't even remember the bottle spinning anymore. if it was your interpretation, it could've just said that they didn't like each other back when but now are 'friends'.

it's a joke about said person who cannot forget this loooooooong agooooo pretty stupid rejection and now feels empowered because he caan withhold farmville-thingeys from her... I think...

me, I had the worst! Bad back and twisted spine so the epi could have very likely brought me into a wheelchair. So I tried without, after 10 hours of painful labour I got the epi anyway (no wheelchair) and since I didn't dilate I had to get another shot of labour inducing shit (my second round) and then the epi

THANK YOU!!! Just... just thank you.