
ahhh, porn stars... presumably because he wants his stereotypical view of women unchallenged (not saying that porn stars cannot be intelligent, strong, independent women but I assume those are not HIS kind of porn star...) what an arrogant asshole.. thanks for answering though!

wait, did he(date her)??? I don't know much about him and am too tired to google his racist, misogynist, hateful ass...

I... like to believe you are joking, right? Right???

no, just no... (hope you are better now!)

and everybody in the free world shakes their head... I am so grateful not to be an American (sorry guys...)

what??? this will haunt me in my dreams now...

the greenscreen fluffers ate my homework!!

actually thats exactly how this works. popped my daughter out a few months ago and BAM! ultimate knowledge powerup!! it came down all sparkly into my brain, just thinking about how stupid i was before makes me wanna vomit my enormous brains out...

just to make it clearer: if there wouldnt be toilets on a construction site where they are actually just now build toilets, nobody would WAIT until the toilets are finished!! they would NEED to relieve themselves before that and do so. or are you saying with the same argumentative logic that there are no nursing rooms

have you seen countries where there are not many public toilets? we don't suddenly stop shitting just because! but since shitting is sth that ALL people do and notjust half of the people as well as tiny mini-people who dont know how to speak... yeah thats why we have toilets !

iam really sick and tired about the shitting argument... you know why people dont shit on the streets? because there are toilets EVERYWHERE! breastfeeding rooms? not so many! i love to breastfeed my baby in private, bc she gets easily distracted when there are people around. i actually have to go breastfeed her right

i also cannot really believe that so many women have had rape or sexual assault in their lives. i cannot, because it makes me sick to my stomach that this is possible. that i am one of the lucky few who hasn't been raped. how is this possible? i don't think that this is george will's way of thinking, but i believe

but another question would be: why are only women's business attires sleeveless? why do men always have to cover everything up when in "business-mode"? why do women get a free pass? i am a woman myself, i am just always wondering why that is. so, serious questions here, no trolling.

ahhh, do you remember when like in the 60s, society started accepting the concept of unmarried relationships and suddenly out of nowhere, violence against women started? and do you remember how in every decade and century before that (like e.g. in Victorian England) nobody ever harmed women? the good ol' days...