
this is strange: the incorrect grammar in the first mail does not sound german at all but in the second mail? yepp, absolutely german. esp. direKtor with a k and "what wrote my brother". first one is german spelling (direktor means principal) and the second is german syntax...

this is the best answer to that kind of statement. I learned sth today, thank you!

women as food, sex objects and urinals? isn't that like...reality tv? ;)

thank you :) and kudos for the right citation - you don't see that very often these days, especially on the internet!

I forgot who said this, but it goes: "Freedom of speech does not give you the right to yell 'fire' in a crowded theatre."

But even without this picture they did a pretty "goog" job, so don't censor yourself. If it's one thing we know then that those people do not need any proof to believe in sth

Like where? Honest question, not trying to be snarky :) I just know that before the third reich Germans tried to get a piece of Africa, thereby committing the first genocide of the 20th century when killing so many Hereros. What are you referring to?

Oh, then I misunderstood. I thought you were referring to Nazi-Germany's expansion to the East during WWII. The common excuse was that the Reich needed more space for its people. I am a German PoC and I think making fun of Nazis is very important in the fight against them...

you know, there are wars going on right now, try be outraged about that! this 'girl woman war' is really not worth it...

I always refer to 'men' in their 20s as boys!

I know, I know :) I am actually a German with humour and truly admired how you managed to insert a Nazi reference :) - on a post about airline-seat-reclining !!

seriously, what do those parents think? I've seen so much bad parenting in my day. Kids running around ON A PLANE is a safety issue! When I wass a kid, I hated that, too. I always thought: how selfish that they just don't behave while I have to be good - and manage to do so - all the time!"

nah, we just like to be indignant and go all "fist of rage" about small inconveniences ;) kudos though, nice German- bashing - very skillfull!

whenever I fly, which is rare, the guy in front of me ALWAYS reclines the seat, and two times they just lay down, like fully reclined the thing! on an 8 hour flight!!! I was a kid back then and didn't dare speak up but after 5 hours I suddenly started bumping into the seat every time I moved. I became borderline

are we from the same family? my sister and I used to have dolls and stuffed animals. usually, the dolls would attack stuffed animal country and because of their superior weapons, take over the land and start persecuting the animals. they had to flee and either find a new home explorer-style or hid in caves to regroup

or let's make that even more precise: All human beings are deceitful and dangerous!

she looks like avril lavigne...

I know, no worries :) Just came here to say that some people earnest- and honestly disn't get the reference without being ignorant. Many people are ignorant though, many are...

I didn't get the reference, and I am a PoC. Sometimes people just can't believe what others do so that it doesn't come to mind. It's pretty bad, now that I understand it...

I am not white but also not black, still I didn't get this. But geez, I think that's even worse than just writing the n-word because he clearly showsthat he KNOWS he shouldn't use it and does so anyway... sort of.