
Why did a progressive bailout banks and automakers? Because they realized letting them fail, literally, no hyperbole, destroys the economy and results in a depression. Why is this so hard for the far left and far right to understand? In the abstract letting those big bad businesses and banks fail sounds great... but

So effectively if Hillary is the nominee as she likely will be, your nonvote will be passive vote for Trump. Strategic voting is your friend. A hell of a lot of Canadians strategic voted to ensure Harper wasn’t elected again... they wanted NDP, Green, Bloc, but they voted Liberal to ensure the greater threat was

Yup. Ginsburg, Kennedy, and Breyer are all either now or will be in their 80s during the upcoming Presidential term. Given the choice between maybe free college if somehow the revolution can persuade republicans in congress or the actual loss of the supreme court for at least a generation? Thanks, seems like the

Actually, you have two choices for who will become President. But you do not have to case a vote for them.

There are HUGE differences between Trump and Hillary.

I can give you a very simple’s Bill Clinton’s legacy:

I like your spirit. I also like the idea of having a shot in hell of a more liberal leaning judge being named to the SCOTUS. Ergo, fuck all that.

Good thing he didn’t say that, then.

I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

Mom! The meatloaf!

“Who are you talking to?” and older woman’s voice shouted worriedly from the background.

Now you are talking. I’m personally fond of all campaign finance being through an equal pool that can be acquired should you be able to reach a minimum level of support.

Requiring everyone to have insurance was so they could get rid of “pre-existing conditions” No one would pay for insurance until they needed it otherwise.

He’s just offering a needed service!

Most banks and credit unions run your name through a service called Chex Systems, which gathers all of your history with overdraws, bad checks, etc. If you don’t score highly enough, you can’t get a checking account. You can usually get a savings account, though, and after keeping that up for a period of time, many

A lot of people can’t even get a bank account at all. But going cash only can be risky and difficult. A prepaid debit card is a good middle area, and it can build your banking reputation (not quite a credit score, but if you have a banking history with lots of overdraws and such, you can absolutely get blacklisted

math says that if all 132,000 users have documentation, the 19 million won’t cover it at $500 a pop. It’d be $66,000,000.

The thing that is interesting is that I know conservatives who are incredibly empathetic and giving (and supportive of government/social programs) when they or somebody they know has been affected by an issue. They tend to lack an imagination for issues that affect people other than themselves; it’s those programs for

But that’s not the point of the book. The point of the book is that women shouldn’t complain about institutional sexism and glass ceilings, they should just work harder.

Or worse: she may look for a man like her father because though he’s no good, he’s also a model she understands.

Nah, not really. She had access to single parent research/single moms before putting out a POS narrative about motherhood. Now she is dealing with the fallout of her own assumptions and misguided expectations which nobody would’ve known about had she not written her book.

She’s still an asshole. Not for being oblivious about how privileged she is, but for writing that condescending crap that is so blatantly in the service of corporate America.