
I was taught by my father to sit when the National Anthem was crammed down our throats at the beginning of every sports game, and that’s what I still do. I have no problem with patriotism per se, but I do with mandated patriotism. Playing the anthem at the beginning of every game and pressuring people to stand and

Fuck Milo.

These are all these Breitbart assholes that are pissed because Milo was banned.

Even in the reverse, it sounds like they had fantastic sex or something. I’d have gone with “Historic Night; Manuel, Phelps Win Gold!!!” Yeesh.

If not for that middle sentence I would swear you were referring to Goodell...

Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a

I think you missed the point of Mystic Spiral’s post. S/he didn’t say that anyone should stop complaining, the point was that we shouldn’t spend any money buying or renting the Killing Joke movie so as to send a real message about our disapproval.

All you people complaining in the comments? You folks with your righteous anger over this portrayal of Batgirl? (which I agree with)

Kids on summer vacation, and politicians with money to burn LOL

Can’t tell from the GIF. Is the Pokemon captured at the end?

What a time to be alive!

They were equally as boring but in PR you were stuck with them for the whole second act.

I have to back this. Pacific Rim was a cartoon. It was a live action rendition of the most mediocre anime one could possibly create. Uninteresting, unrelatable, and frankly uncomfortable cliches walking around pretending to be interesting characters, and action scenes that honestly weren't all that thrilling. It was a

There's' a difference between fun and campy. Something can be fun to watch that takes its story and characters seriously (as Godzilla does, or The Avengers, or, I suspect, Guardians of the Galaxy will).

Oh yeah. I definitely agree. It was melodramatic and it took itself way too seriously. This is a bad combination especially when you don't even care about the characters..

I agree with everyone else! How dare you suggest the massive hype machine that preceded a mediocre, derivative, and charmless turd from a talented director that should know better is anything but the Star Wars of a new generation?! How dare you express something resembling an original opinion?!

I think it came down to Pacific Rim was imaginative but badly written with rocks for characters and Godzilla was fund with standard writing and characters.

It was truly one of the worst movies I've seen. Every character was completely unlikable, 2 of the male leads looked nearly identical and were massive twats, the 2 scientist were annoying stereotypes, and overall it felt like watching a really awful episode of a 80's Japanese mecha anime.

Ding ding ding! We have a winner! I actually regret paying to see PR

There's also the fact that Pacific Rim was awful.