
I was taught by my father to sit when the National Anthem was crammed down our throats at the beginning of every sports game, and that’s what I still do. I have no problem with patriotism per se, but I do with mandated patriotism. Playing the anthem at the beginning of every game and pressuring people to stand and

Fuck Milo.

These are all these Breitbart assholes that are pissed because Milo was banned.

Even in the reverse, it sounds like they had fantastic sex or something. I’d have gone with “Historic Night; Manuel, Phelps Win Gold!!!” Yeesh.

If not for that middle sentence I would swear you were referring to Goodell...

Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a

Kids on summer vacation, and politicians with money to burn LOL

Can’t tell from the GIF. Is the Pokemon captured at the end?

What a time to be alive!

I totally forgot about The pan-Asian slave trade, it’s brutal legacy of subjugation and violence, the Jim Crow and “seperate but equal” policies that affected generations of Asian Americans, the war on drugs, a criminal justice, educational, and financial system that for decades, has treated Asians as less than human

I am unsympathetic to the this particular author. He acts as if the primary cause for black persecution is racism and has nothing to do with the fact that black people engage in more crime.

I love it. I’ve always supported drafting women and I’ve always hated douchebag legislators who take up time and resources with legislation they proposed just to make a point. I’m having my cake and eating it, too.

“Put that in your inhaler and vape it”

His name needs to be synonymous with women in the draft just so he goes down in history as the guy responsible for it. Wouldn't that be great if the amendment were forever known as "Duncan's Amendment," or if womens selective service IDs were nicknamed "Hunter Cards" or something.

I feel like the GOP is always trying to “get” democrats as somehow not really being for women’s rights. This is one of those issues where I feel a lot of people think they will catch feminists being hypocrites. Sorry guys, but I’m not just a feminist for when it benefits me. Gender equality is gender equality is

Yep. “I banked on the idea that liberals were posturing hypocrites. Turns out that they actually were openly and honestly stating their own principles. Oh shit.”


When he says young girls I think of girls who are maybe ... under 15. It’s not even teenagers - it’s girls. I guess this says something about how he views woman.

I’m agnostic on the draft itself, but if we are going to have it then all citizens who are fit to serve should be required to register.

The way this all blew up in Duncan Hunter’s face is absolutely delicious.