
Yet another reason for campaign finance reform. Awfully hard to ignore lobbyists if they threaten to donate to your opponent's campaign.

Great write up except for one thing: the show never indicates that Rose Quartz was unaware of the effects of gem colonization, only to find out and start her rebellion. She was a high ranking gem before rebelling and would probably have known. It was when she encountered life on Earth that she decided “No, I can’t

It’s not shady at all unless she can produce evidence that she asked for and he agreed for her email to be off the record. Standard journalistic practice in every single industry. She knew she was talking to a journalist, and as the head of a foundation like this, she’s dealt with the press before and knows how this

wow, I had no idea Filipinos were so represented in the caste, that’s very cool!

yes, the next 10 should be more interesting, and not long after that shit gets real.

It would, but life needs a lot more than liquid water alone. Given the size of the galaxy, not to mention the universe, the odds that two planets in one solar system harbor life are very low, water or no water.

Would you include Hergé in your Belgian grouping? I thought Blue Lotus was well done for its time, and I know it was originally going to be loads more racist Chinee until he met a Chinese exchange student who straightened him out on stereotypes vs reality.

What? I don’t doubt that Taiwanese have particular issues fitting in, but the standard language in Taiwan, the official language of news, government, education, etc, is pretty much Mandarin. They call it 国语 GuoYu, ‘national language’, rather than the mainlander 普通话 PuTongHua, ‘common speech’, and there are some

I heard a story on NPR a couple days ago about the infrastructure and bureaucracy Daesh has created for the trafficking and sale of Yazidi women (and I imagine any other ‘infidel’ they can get their hands on, like Kayla, though the Yazidis are considered especially ‘fair game’ because Daesh sees them as polytheistic

Really? Maybe this was a Mac only thing, but the copy of TIE Fighter Collector's CD-ROM I had definitely had dynamic music that changed based on the battle situation.

Excluding the ear and neck? Done properly, foreplay in those areas is fantastic! With you on the ice cubes though.

I can't fathom why you Europeans see political unity as a goal worth striving for. Economic unity—minus a common currency—yes, that makes sense. But politically? Your future united government will be both less representative of you as individuals and also more vulnerable to influence and capture by the rich and