Giavanna Costello

Perhaps the most “woke” thing we can do is let her enjoy that moment, instead of attempting to project her into a lesser one.

I “ran away” when I was about 6 or 7. My mom told my brother to help me pack and he was like “if she’s running away, then she’s not my sister so....”

This is such nonsense. As a high school teacher, former teenager and mother I cannot fathom how completely out of touch and deluded Jada Smith can possibly be. Like, almost devastatingly out of touch. This is the same mother who defended her adolescent daughter lolling around with a nineteen year old in bed too. When

FYI: In my mind I pretend that you’re really Terry Crews.

‘Mom, I have to leave here to live my life.’ And I remember thinking to myself—as devastated as I was—I was like, ‘He’s right. The time is now. He’s 15. It’s time for him to leave the house.’

He’s a douchecanoe; end of story.

So, it just dawned on me that Willow and Jaden were named after Will and Jada and now I feel totally stupid but also... mind blown. That is some weird shit right there.

I have a kid who’s 6 months from being 18...and has no earthly clue how much the real world costs and doesn’t give a single fuck about you. Not that we haven’t tried (Oh lord, the trying has damn near killed me), but at this point Mr. Levy and I just have to be like, “He’ll learn, one way or another.”

Jaden and Willow, yes... they come off as entitled and a bit out of touch. But Trey at least has the sense to stay out of the public eye.

EVERY 15 year old thinks they are grown up, their parents are holding them back and they need to move out. One good thing about being lower middle class, my parents could just reply “How are you planning to pay for that?”