Giavanna Costello

Are you actually saying that all white women are partially responsible for “perpetuating the hierarchies of white supremacy”?! If you legitamely believe that, then YOU are a racist. And unbelievably ignorant.

The outrage over this picture is absolutely ABSURD. “Imagine if (Nikki Minaj) was a white woman. Maybe that’ll help you see what’s disturbing about it”. REALLY?! Its TWO BLACK WOMEN!! I could imagine them being a unicorn and a ham sandwich, but that doesn’t change the fact that these are 2 black women!  So now white

Yep. Its scary isn’t it? We’ve got 2 16 year olds, so we still have some time, but these kids are CLUELESS. We try to explain the ways of the world, the inevitable struggle to get yourself situated as a newly free adult, but they just don’t get it. Most don’t get it. All we can do is love them and prepare them the

HA! douchecanoe LMFAO! That’s a new one

Lol right? When I was a kid I would threaten to run away and my parents would say “ok, ill go get the suitcase”. Then proceed to help me pack. We ALL knew I had absolutely no money, and neither did they at the time. Never made it out of the neighborhood lol. Sure would have been mugh easier if I was a child

If these were just regular people, this would be incredibly bizarre and suspicious. No 15 year old should get to call the shots, are you SERIOUS? Sorry, these are horrible parents. “Hands off parenting”, which Jada has said is her approach to parenting, IS LAZY, SELFISH AND NEGLECTFUL. Social services would probably