Giant Slor

I hope from now on we won't see her sporadically.

Highlights of the soundtrack also include Walk the Moon's cover of 'Born to be Wild', Death Cab for Cutie's "Bad Moon Rising' and Die Antwoord's 'What a Wonderful World'

I was the same age as you and it really was one of my favorites growing up. It was my first taste of Monty Python and British humor and I consider it one of the greats because it refused to talk down to children or sugarcoat some of life's harsher realities.

Was he able to write an essay about the inevitable failure of the coming Ghostbusters before he died?

Mad Max was still built around a male protagonist, even if he was playing 2nd fiddle to woman on her own journey, and the film was f**king fantastic, worthy of multiple Oscars, a landmark of the action genre. That always helps a lot.

I always figured women weren't a large enough target audience for a big budget special effects-driven action movie and men of whatever relevant age group didn't want to see that kind of movie with all-female leads. So the thing was pretty much dead from the get-go.

"(Putting “Fortunate Son,” “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “Sympathy For The Devil,” and “Spirit In The Sky” in the same movie has to count for some kind of record.)"

But Pam Landy. Won't somebody think of Pam Landy?

Oh, good lord. Your thoughts on IQ, how to review a documentary or the reasons people visit a cinema still doesn't answer my question (although thanks for the capitalization correction).

Ok, John, use that big superior brain of yours and tell me why D'Souza wants to tie the Democratic party of yesterday to the Democratic party of today. What's he implying?

I don't suppose you happen to be one of the producers of 'Clinton Cash Premier'?

The only thing the KKK has changed is their political affiliation. Their philosophy remains.

Ask yourself this: has the character and makeup of the Republican party changed between, say the Ronald Reagan years and today? If so, wouldn't you agree that political parties change over time?

Bring back The Grinder and, yes, I know.

Dave Hutchinson's first two books in what he's calling the The Fractured Europe Sequence are by far the most entertaining books I read last year. They're set in a near-future Europe that's been sliced into hundred of micro-countries with Couriers who specialize in sneaking across the borders.

My first LAN experience was with Duke Nukem 3D and honestly no multiplayer experience for me will ever top that.

It never occurred to me that The Grinder was in trouble. Once again I overestimated America's lack of appreciation for my good taste in television shows.

You are free to tell them what you think and they are free to tell you thanks for your opinion, but we'll be doing things the way we want. Feel free to enjoy our thousands of entertainment products featuring no gay relationships whatsoever.

You're terrible at this.

I wasn't even aware there was a controversy, although I'm not surprised.