Giant Slor

Me neither. Edited.

I used to play Grand Theft Auto with 'Barbie Girl' as one of my added-on songs. Let me tell you, the two could not have gone together better.

He can handle things, he's smart! Not like everybody says… like dumb… he's smart and he wants respect!

Might the societal pressure of having step-siblings sleeping together doom Cher and Josh's relationship in Clueless?

Agreed but Owen does say she doesn't have to stick with him, just not marry Bradley Cooper.

I'll be your Hucklechevy.

I bet Frank Stallone thinks this is far from over.

One thing I can see both you and Trump share is class.


Senator Rand @RandPaul:


Yeesh. Do you think this entertainment writer will be joining Ms. Silverman tonight for the requisite cocktail party?

I'm 5 and there's a line wrapped around the late, great Cooper Theater in Denver to see something called Star Wars. I doubt I'd been more excited about anything else in my life up to that moment.

Can't remember where he parked his Lincoln, the only place in which he feels comfortable.

I feel like I'm missing a piece of my soul as I didn't get that movie at all.


He was amazing in Fargo. Just a great actor all around.

That's what I love about the suffocating indifference of the universe, man. I get older, it stays the same age.

Some might the same thing about people posting in A.V. Club forums.

Just curious, what was the name you were using before Disqus shut down your last account?