Giant Slor

That's a good point.

Felt like the Academy was falling all over itself NOT giving The Hateful Eight any recognition.

Yeahhhhh Booyyyyyyce….

'The Identity Theft of Mitch Mustain' sounds like one of those Troy McClure movies you may remember him from.

Hey tell us about something you like or care about about so we can shame you for not liking or caring about something we consider more important.

"…I realized that Peggy’s boss could theoretically connect that story with what she saw of Peggy’s car"
There's no theoretical about it, you just had to watch her face to know she pretty much has it figured out. She's a huge wild card because a) she knows deep down, in places Peggy doesn't like to talk about at

Maybe I'm becoming a softy but if Shyamalan puts something in front of me and I enjoy it it doesn't matter how badly his past projects failed. Living in the now, man. Welcome back, Dingdong.

I've always thought of Black as a character actor who somehow made himself a leading man through force of will. Richard Linklater more than anybody figured out how to harness his strengths in School of Rock and the vastly under-seen Bernie. His time as a lead actor may be waning but his career will have plenty of

Boaz Yakin actually made a really good movie in the early nineties called Fresh. It stars Samuel L. Jackson, Giancarlo Esposito, and a crack-addled shithole version of NYC we've all forgotten about. Seriously, I can't recommend it highly enough.

That's called good marketing by the fine folks over at the Fage Corporation.

Random Starship Troopers digression but Verhoeven included a number of shots in his film that were taken almost directly from Triumph of the Will.

Erlich Bachmann gets what he wants for some very basic reasons: he knows who he is, he accepts who he is, he'll do whatever he thinks he needs to do to get what he wants and he has no sense of shame. Basically he's a really confident guy who doesn't give a f#ck what the vast majority of people think of him. It's a

I'll concede there's many elements of sexual politics that escape me and probably lessen my sensitivity to the subject of rape, but I can't imagine any other narrative way the wedding night of Sansa Stark could have gone. Ramsey is a sociopath and whether it's flaying men alive or taking his bride unwillingly, that's

One might say he's an asshole who knows how to thrive in a world full of other assholes.

Erlich may not be all that self-aware but he isn't dumb and he knows other assholes when he sees them. In fact, it may be one of his most valuable attributes.

That's all well and good, but rain on your wedding day is not ironic unless you moved the ceremony from Seattle to Phoenix or something. Otherwise it's just bad luck.

Remember meeeeee for centurieeeeees

Never heard of Pivot but here's their description of what the company is trying to do:

I personally think Alf got shafted and will register my complaint with absolutely no one.

So how are theaters covering their asses different than Sony covering its ass?