Giant Slor

Rob Lowe's tweet is literally the worst thing ever to appear on the internet.

To my knowledge that shot was 0% cgi. Where did you hear otherwise?

Hannes and Franz? We're coming to pump you up, Mr. Bond. To death.

I'm sure you're just as disgusted when Fox slobbers over every Republican politician that walks into the studio.

I find Colbert very funny, therefore it is proven he is funny.

I haven't killed a Lost Boy.. since 1984.

15 schnitzengruben is my limit, baby.

Anybody that mentions AfterMASH gets extended a laurel, and hardy handshake.

If you saw Broken Flowers you know Murray don't do dark but he does do various shades of self-hating melancholy with no happy ending in sight. Although due to the presence of a precocious boy this story has a decent chance at a happy ending, or at least a heartwarming funeral scene for Murray at the end.

"…folks who are simply tired of the endless deluge of snark and cynicsm which surrounds us have all embraced the great work and positive messages."

The difference is nobody at all liked 'North' while lots of people love Enlisted. Sorry it wasn't your thing. Your opinion is noted and will be relayed to the producers who, I'm certain, will try much harder to amuse you with their next project.

Budge starts bouncing the ball and it's Steve McQueen in 'The Great Escape', passing the time in solitary by throwing a baseball against the wall.

4 words: raptor defeated by gymnastics. Thanks, Lost World, but i'm done.

For some reason my favorite line of his:
"Thank you…. Florida."

The Count of Monte Crisco by Alexandre Dumbass?

The Immigrant, The Rover, and Snowpiercer all look fantastic. How anybody who likes movies can complain there's nothing to watch is beyond me.


A strip club in Bemidji, Minnesota that plays The Crystal Method's Trip Like I Do? That is one classy joint.

James Josephson? No, wait… Lawrence Fangs…. Forrest Lorenston. Lars. Luch. His name is James Jesenthon. Lawrence Jesterson. LAWRENCE JESTERSON!

Killing people by twisting their head around and snapping their neck. Prominently featured in movies but a preview for NBC's upcoming failure 'Believe' had the average-sized bad girl snap two necks within about 20 seconds. No, I don't think so.