
Or, in reverse, a nuclear explosion.

Now playing

Not quite as many shot's to the nether regions, but still worth it.

I came here just to post that.

Something human-ish survived the Third War

Spacesuit for sale. Used, one bullethole.

I was thinking more this

Oh no, I've seen a lion at the zoo. And to be clear, I don't plan on walking around the savannah alone. But I've never seen 100's of lions inches away from me, stalking my every move.

There's a sequel?!?!

Winner, it was indeed. His books were briefly free on Amazon and I downloaded that an another trilogy. He's an excellent writer.

Well I'm never going near the water again.

So that's it then? It can't be stopped?

Peter Watt (I think?) wrote an amazing book once where the central premise was intelligent / self-aware life was metabolically wasteful, and we effectively arose by chance and luck. At least that's how I remember it, was years ago. Great read though.

If it's not broke.

its the table like piece of wood you put your laptop on to do work.

That's defamatory, gizmodo is now going to sue the red cross.

Nope, original from Oatmeal. probably should have linked him, considering.

This guy.