
Not to mention "Sweatin' to the Oldies" 1, 2, and 4.

Flintstones Chewable Morphine!

“Okay. Enslaving you to Disney now. Please stand by.”

I think the correct mathematical term is “kajillion”.

Let’s not forget the kids in “A Christmas Story” - especially Ian Petrella, Zack Ward, and of course Peter Billingsley - gave some excellent comedic performances.

The child actors in “River’s Edge” were quite good, as I remember, especially Josh Miller.

That’s what I'm curious about!

I dunno.. I’ve always found Goop to be pretty effective.

Drunk? That's so 1990s.

And where the hell is my Trapper Keeper?

Wait... so which one’s Itchy?

I think they should rasta-fy Young Tony by 15%.

“Only the 35th movie ever to make more than one billion dollars at the global box office..”

So, a sequel would have to be titled “Se2en: The Sese7venen-ing”.

Oh, how very DARE they!

Same with me - it was the almost-never-seen A+ that drew me to click on the review!

Damn you, bath salts!

Cousin Yakov Smirnov?

“Neil Young” would like a word with you.

1. Touché!