Great opinion piece, I had a couple of ideas but they're not exactly connected to the Game of Thrones debate. (haven't read the books so can't comment on the changes)
Great opinion piece, I had a couple of ideas but they're not exactly connected to the Game of Thrones debate. (haven't read the books so can't comment on the changes)
There has to be airplanes. There just has to be.
You know what?
Thats pretty awesome.
Are there airplanes?
Core i7 minimum? That has to be a typo...
I got STALKER in a humble bundle sale and I played the hell out of Fallout 3 and NV before and I have to say I didn't enjoy Stalker too much. It's closer in ambiance to the Metro games but without being set mostly underground. Even then Metro games are much more fun to play even if they are linear.
That's a pretty good troll...
"OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of SSL and TLS, the protocols that secure much of what you see on the web. Recently, a critical bug [heartbleed] was discovered that has been present in OpenSSL for over two years, that can allow anyone on the internet to possibly uncover names, passwords, and content you send…
I wasn't trying to dismiss the article or the issue, but it might be worth a short sentence clarifying that the exploit was established via proof-of-concept, not data breach.
Nope. This guy is a complete jackoff. Either he's flat-out lying, or he was grossly negligent and incompetent... In either case, fuck him.
I don't think theres a problem with having to set up a card/be authorized for FREE game time (its something Netflix does, as does any other subscription service offering a free month, though I don't think they all preauthorize).
I'm somewhat upset by some of the comments other players have to those that are affected by this decision, which are along the lines of "Why would you buy an MMO if you don't have $15". It's as if the concept of there being a paywall between players time and their "free" game month isn't widely accepted as a crazy…
I have no idea what Sprint is trying to do with these ads. They make Tim and Eric look positively sensical and normal.
Why why why why WHY
Alternate simulated screen image.
Pushbullet also does the following:
I bet they have something like theft under a thousand, cops everywhere never bust their asses to find such small potato items. Ask James May (from Bristol), who, when he was stop by the cops for speeding, said "Good! This must mean you've found my tele that was nicked years ago! Well done!" This guy's response to the…
The first game that jumped to mind was Nidhogg. The latest (kinda) in the recent outburst of smaller, local, pixel-art party games is, from my experience, just a total fucking blast to play. I've been hooking my laptop up to the TV, plugging some controllers in and having a great time with literally anyone who wants…