
So to make a speaker, you buy drivers and a box?

Exposed paper cones? Wow, so rugged... I'm in the middle of building this.

You can watch the livestream here, if you're curious:

Its all fun and games until he gets released.

As much as I want to get a 4K monitor; it really doesn't make sense at this point in time. I would be better off being patient and wait for quality monitors at a good price point (30Hz is a total dealbreaker). Also, there is so little 4k content available that it's not beneficial yet.

Some people don't get that enjoying something often and being addicted to it are not the same thing. I can eat a bag of M&Ms with every meal and if I can quit without any difficulty or ill effects, I'm not addicted. Watching porn with equal frequency, likewise, does not constitute an addiction.

Of course, that's not to

So because Levine wants to make a different kind of game, all but 15 people are going to lose their jobs? That seems like a dick move, no?

There is no why. They're Irrational.

Dear Kotaku,

Jessies right $#3@6** I lost 5600 pounds using this one simple revolutionary McDonalds trick that the Burger King people don't want you to know Go to wwwitsprobablynotpinkgoopcom to see for yourself you want regret it.

'Cuz Paula Deen said so.

And this is exactly what Nintendo's next system should be. A nice combo home console/portable. One system to rule them all.

Does anyone else find the sheer implication of this life hack a little funny? I mean, if you are wondering on 50 or 100 separate occasions whether you're pregnant ...

Oh I can't wait for this.

that's my issue with these types of re-releases. If I already own them on PC there's no point of buying it for my PS4. I'll save that cash and put it in to a new video card

great news for the console gamers, now they can run the game at ultra settings and have shorter load screens. on the other hand the PC gamers will continue to run the game at settings higher than ultra thanks to mods and have instantaneous load screens. oh! and did I mention all of the other crazy stuff that the PC

FUS RO duh.

It won't do anything to your lungs, its water vapor. been an e-cig user for 4 years now, worst side effect is some flavors might give you heartburn(cinnamon flavor does for me).

The 3D is never essential in any game. It just looks really really good.

I agree.