
I have faith in the gamers. They’ve done nothing to show me that they are-

Fake News.

It’s an onion of awful - the more layers you peel back, the worse it gets.

Exhibit A

your imagination is disturbing in its detail

Everyone knows Trump’s penis looks like a Vienna Sausage left on the sidewalk in Tempe, AZ for five days. It has some extra long, wispy white public hair at the base that is carefully teased and styled into a soft serve ice cream cone swirl around, and Hope Hicks lovingly gives him a pube weave every 14 days.

By starring this I’m probably on a government watch list now, right? I’m okay with that.

“We did a great job with the chicken tax, that’s what people are sayin’, many people, a great, great job. We’re not stopping there, (crowd chants : Lock her up!) I’m imposing tariffs on turkey, and ducks and no collusion, the best tariffs, Ivanka did so well at the Olympics (crowd chants : USA! USA!).

“Today’s the day I might just be a step too slow...”

Imagine working for the Secret Service protective detail and telling yourself every morning, “Today’s the day I may have to take a bullet for this moronic demagogue.”

Can’t lose what you don’t have.

Someone call an institution, he’s officially lost it.

“he’s had the freedom to ask me for it whenever he wanted”

A riveting performance by two talented actors.

WTF am I watching?

They may take our lives. But they will never take.... OUR PORN!

there’s male pattern baldness, and there’s concentrated evil that results in hair loss


Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

(And this is coming from a Chevy fan)