
I like this guy. It’s going to be a shame when he’s the quarterback for the Jets or Browns in a year.

I think it’s close with Boston. Yankees can overtake them for the division lead if Judge returns to pre-All Star Game form. As for a 7game series...... Ugh I mean you are probably correct, but you know what? This makes their chances better, I think they’ve got a puncher’s chance. If Porcello plays like shit, who knows.

1. Thanks, man.

Because she is a moderate - and her rushing to the left is why moderates like me went from being “with her” to being “well, with her...i guess”.

I came down here to say almost exactly this. The platform isn’t the problem, the problem was that Hillary was very bad at delivering her vision of it credibly. So much of her campaign was focused on “Look out for Dangerous Donald Drumpf” and trotting out goblins like Michael Bloomberg as exemplars of the “good”

All of that is true but - he already looks “super-duper guilty”. The only real thing stopping him is, there is nobody to take the jobs of the chain of people he would have to fire. He has a “Bork shortage”...a “Borkage”.

Please read a book. The parties switched positions by the 1960's.

You do know there are no New Yorkers in Times Square, right?

I know the Daily Mail is a piece of shit paper but they posted a photo of the dead woman. A barely pixelated, easily recognizable photo of the woman who died. Every time you think they can’t get worse...

Is that the gay type of asshole?

A few years back, ‘06 actually, I called this chick over. I’d met her a few months prior and flirted with her some on MySpace. So she comes over, we chill for a while and then get with the sexing. She happened to be good friends with another female platonic friend of mine. This is important.

That’s not accurate. Hobbits are nice people. They just want to eat lots of breakfasts and chill in their hobbit holes, not racially segregate everyone.

Seriously, I hate to comment on people’s looks, but holy shit this dude looks like he fronts his own Green Day wedding cover band.
He’s got the same hairstyle - and peach fuzz - that 75% of the guys in my Catholic High School graduating class had over 15 years ago.

He’s an insufferable asshole whose arrogance is only exceeded by his ignorance.

There haven’t been this many shaken pens since when Michael J. Fox wrote his last book.

I have a theory about the prequels.

I’ve said it a million times: Star Wars would be infinitely better if the prequels had given Anakin Skywalker Darth Revan’s backstory instead. Reaching out for the power to do good and bring peace, and then being corrupted by that power.

Yep, he had me until “hella”. Saying that word is a hideous trait on his mother’s side.

for knowing the full name, you get a star!