So it seems the Yankees’ AAA affiliate has relocated from Scranton to Miami.
So it seems the Yankees’ AAA affiliate has relocated from Scranton to Miami.
Now they have two hitters battling for the playoff strikeout record.
But with baseball, the fact that there’s so many damn games is a bit liberating, because you can completely let go of the compulsion to watch every damn game. It’s there for me if I want to catch a ballgame, but if I miss one, no big deal, there’s another game tomorrow AGAINST THE SAME TEAM.
Yeah, I’ve always been flabbergasted when people complain how boring baseball is and they’re all football fans. Even as a kid football was my least favorite sport because it felt like an eternity between plays and each play lasts like five or six seconds. And how many truly fun plays happen during the course of a…
Meanwhile, in Ghana, hundreds of schoolkids groan, knowing they have to wait another day for their shipment of alternate-universe World Series Champion gear.
Also Rich Hill is James Comey.
I don’t think a managerial change in some circumstances is unwarranted even if the team has been successful. If you see the team trending toward younger players and you have an old-school crankypants as a manager used to managing veterans, then maybe you’d think about getting a guy in there who might be better with…
I can honestly say it’s my favorite team since ‘96. That Gardy AB was absolutely amazing. My favorite part of the whole damn night though is the Spanish language call of Didi’d HR (which can be heard in the Must C clip).
I’m pretty sure the entire nation is about to hate the Yankees to an even larger degree. ALCS in a…
This is why I live in a 100-year-old house in a small town in the middle of New Jersey. Walking/biking distance to anything I need and not new construction so no HOA. The worst we have are town codes that can be enforced, but that is mostly to prevent blight.
No, I don’t think so. It is/was nice to have service recognized and respected when I returned home. Especially as I’m mindful of how poorly our Vietnam-era forebears were treated.
The Yankees are negligent! I’m not posting the photos here – since Getty want $600 for each one! – but their shots show that as of the Red Sox series at the start of the month, the safety fencing stopped 7 seats (and an aisle) short of that mandatory requirement (to the dugout) on each side of the field.
“Buddy”, the fans are informed that there is the possibility of injury due to the game play, and no guarantee of safety (related to the game play) is made. By attending, the fans are in acceptance of the risk, as well as the responsibility to watch for such flying objects that may injure them. If they are either…
They did extend the netting. Some teams already had it to their dugout when this rule was created but any team that did not, including the Yankees, extended it. Some teams extended it to the inner part of their dugout while some did it to the outer, maybe that’s what you’re talking about? Either way, what no team did,…
Well it implies that the Yankees are specifically negligent here. I’ll grant you, there should probably be netting, but unless something has recently changed, I don’t believe there is one other MLB stadium that actually does this. So really all the teams are negligent and the Yankees are just the latest team to have…
I nominate Rudy Giuliani as being most deserving of getting drilled in the face by a foul ball at Yankee Stadium.
Or Russo who kept insisting on talking about Woger Feduwuh all the time. I’m no tennis fan, but for some reason I’m nostalgic for his old M&MD U.S. Open updates in front of a disgusted Francesa.
P.S. in the limited amount of time I’ve been exposed to Boomer and Carton I’ve never been impressed with Carton either.
yeah, sometimes when I get aroused I think about baseball stats, too
Not saying Judge is going to be the Babe... but Ruth led the league in strikeouts 5 times, and placed in the top 5 in strikeouts in the AL 4 more times—including leading the league in strikeouts in his epic 1927 season.