
Well there's the whole Jesus thing. That's probably like if you're a super Christian parent and your kid is an atheist. Sure you love your kid but if you were picking friends, they're not the sort of person you'd choose.

Everyone who's been connected to the show as long as Margulies has had their parts systematically cut down and minimized. I doubt Margulies has enough time to grudge against her costars considering they're probably already almost done with filming.

Wow, good comeback. Now make fun of the way I laugh.

Mentioning it is not apologizing for it. It's being cognizant of the fact that he's commenting on an issue on which he has no personal experience.

HR doesn't exist to protect coworkers. If it's something you've seen more than one person do, your Indian coworkers would get a reputation for being "difficult" and "not a team player" if they actually complained. And it's not worth filing a lawsuit over.

Your source doesn't say what you think it does. Please re-read it if you wish to continue this discussion. Or not, just don't expect a response.

No, generation refers to the generation that immigrated. If you were born in America to people who immigrated, you're a second generation immigrant. I don't recall Dev ever saying he was a first generation immigrant.

Shh, white people love hearing from nonwhites who say racist things don't bother them.

You also forgot to mention some things that I noticed.

The "experiment" ended on Dec 24th. Lots of people sleep in Christmas week.

Also, it's very different when you're talking about a troll whose opinion you respect slightly less than that of a steamed rutabaga. I was talking about someone who still posts here and who I still see shooting the shit with other commenters. It's hard not to seethe in a situation like that.

Who was the first? The hospital rapist? I really hope he didn't have kids.

Is condoning child abuse an American tradition?

This person condones child abuse.

You're exactly that kind of person actually. I can't believe people at the AV club excuse a fucking pedophile just because he's white. And yeah, I see the people in there "upvoting" you. You're all fucking pedophile excusers and I hope you're never allowed around children.

Good people generally don't participate in demonizing a child who dealt with sexual abuse. But thanks for revealing quite a bit about who you are. You too, person using tabloid fodder as if sexual abuse gets "canceled out". You're both pieces of shit.

If a seven year old accuses her stepfather of raping her and doesn't change her story once despite extreme pressure to do so, you can believe her. Both Woody Allen and Bill Cosby are rapists and they're both incredibly shitty people who deserve to have their careers ruined. If you think otherwise I've seriously

I'll solve that mystery once I figure out why netflix pulled the Cosby Show but we can still see any Woody Allen film we want on there.

I hate to be seen as one of those people who go to bat for Chris Brown (seriously he's a bad person) but the entertainment industry loves to sweep violence and abuse under the rug. Has Bill Murray never been on the Daily Show? Sean Penn? Mark Wahlberg?

Listen, at any given point in time, there are Muslims somewhere dancing on a roof. It's pretty much one of the certainties in life.