
Randy died on the way back to his home planet.

I'm pretty sure all people, regardless of their race and creed, has had a moment where they roll their eyes and either think or say "ugh, white people."

"Everybody get out of my house"
"You heard her! This is a house!"

I saw your avatar and the post and I was like, "Jake how could you!" because I am easily confused and basic as all hell.

I think David Hyde Pierce did a good job in this episode. He is coming across as the better candidate. Or at least the more virtuous one.

My younger siblings watch it. I thought it was like the Craft, but a tv series. There's witchcraft, right?

That's a good question, creepy uncle.

Streaming Seinfeld is for people who didn't grow up during the show's run and haven't seen every episode at least five times, and didn't watch a shit ton of nondescript sitcoms try to follow the Seinfeld formula only to peter out around half a season later.

I judge people solely for their taste in music and I agree. But it's still better than, like, talking to someone and finding out their values and shit.

Jon Stewart compared hosting the Daily Show to being a fourth grade teacher, and I felt kinda bad for him. All the talent cycles through on their way to bigger and better things. I don't normally feel sympathy for what I imagine TV show hosts feel, so hopefully I misread the situation.

Aw, those poor virginal young men.

Just because they are able to, doesn't mean they are doing it. That whole "nipples in the wrong place" thing doesn't inspire much confidence in the average animator's knowledge of the human female body.

The Supreme Court is swamped with shoplifting cases.

And, no, the problem is not that game developers have never seen a naked lady before.

I'm guessing because he's on Nick at Nite now, it's not going to happen.

Every time they air Jeopardy, there's the stupid plug for crackle. Stop trying to make Sports Jeopardy happen. It's not going to happen.

I hope sexy Frankenstein moves forward in his relationship with the no-nonsense telegenic police captain but you just know they're saving that for sweeps.

I liked that the entire first Anthology of Interest was just a "what if" for the FingLonger. A man can dream, though. A man can dream.

Do cops need legal aid? Seems like they get enough from the DA's office.

They're just Dominos now that they've replaced their crust with chicken.