
My father passed away Saturday morning, and now Richard…this is a bad week for me! (I'm making a joke to disguise how crushingly sad I am. Maybe I should've waited a few days to watch this…)

I remember sitting down in the theater and watching that credit sequence and thinking "Oh my god, they're actually going to pull this off, and this is going to be a great movie…" And then it was all down-hill from there…

Yes, it really seemed like way too much that he would spend months with her, helping her kick heroin (AND sleeping with her), and then bust her.

It's the soup of the day.

I've really enjoyed this season, but the Gillian subplot was much ado about nothing. Of course, I've never liked the character at all, so that has something to do with it, but for all the build up and mysteriousness surrounding Roy to just be revealed as some lame Pinkerton sting seems like kind of a big let-down.

He must have been much smarter than his sister Lisa—about whom we know nothing!

Of all the endlessly quotable lines from this episode, that one is my favorite. The bitter, angry way Milhouse says "they LOVE the SWEET TASTE" kills me.

The "Please Mr. Kennedy" scene is pretty hilarious; I almost wish they didn't include it on the soundtrack to keep it a secret, because if I had heard the song beforehand it probably would've ruined some of the charm of the scene.

I ALSO saw it in Philly; it was a screening through Drexel, where my wife is getting her Master's degree, so she got an invite. Finally, grad school pays off!

I saw the film at an advanced screening last week; it's pretty fantastic, and also one of the saddest movies the Coen's have made.

After the Capone ambush scene, my immediate thought was "I'd REALLY like to fire a Tommy Gun at least once in my life." Preferably while both laughing and shouting.

I also enjoy the Rothstein/Margaret team up. More team ups, I say!

I really hope Richard and Chalky get to team up at least one more time before this season ends, because there is nothing about that concept that I don't like.

Yes; that was an incredibly tense scene. I kept waiting for Narcisse to do something terrible to her, and was relieved when she finally left the room.

It's strange; when I was a younger man, I was absolutely obsessed with and convinced of the whole conspiracy angle (and JFK was and still remains one of my favorite movies, despite all its lurid over-the-top-ness). But now that I'm an older, more jaded curmudgeon of a person, I more or less grudgingly agree that

- Jeffery Wright is killing it this season. That single tear that runs down his cheek before he hits Daughter was just chilling (and the aftermath of what he did was beyond disturbing).
- I have always hated the character of Gillian, so I really hope whatever mysterious thing mysterious Roy is up to ends her once and

I always liked the way Julie Kavner's Brooklyn accent slips through in the way she says "Whadda you DO? Follow my husband around?"

Side-question regarding the Pauline Kael quote—did Pauline Kael ever like anything? I confess I have not really read much of her criticism, but it seems like any time I see a quote attributed to her about a movie—even a particularly good movie—it's overwhelmingly negative. I know she is esteemed as being one of the

The initials were "JTM" or "JMT". "Knox" isn't Knox's real name—Hoover calls him "Jim" during there scene together, while the bootleggers all know him as "Warren Knox." This ties into when Nucky ran a background check on "Warren Knox" and found everything to be on the level. So Eli is catching on to the fact that Knox