
This is probably my favorite episode of this season, and that's saying a lot because i've loved them all. I honestly can't think of another show on TV like this, and I'm grateful for that.

I love this show so much, but this was the first episode that slightly left me cold. I'm not THAT much of a stickler for staying true to the source material, but killing Chilton feels like way too big of a departure. And if he IS still alive, as Fuller hints at, it's a little ridiculous given the huge bloody exit

I really hope this season ends with everyone throwing Will a "WE'RE SORRY!" Party.

Serious question: how is this show doing, ratings-wise? I feel like Friday night is such a dumping ground for a show, and outside of websites like this, I never hear ANYONE talk about it. I just hope it'll survive a bit longer, because I do love it so.

Of all the Whedon-verse deaths, this is the only one that really upset me, and was made all the more harsh when Willow started dating Kennedy, who was awful. AWFUL I SAY.

Fun fact (six days after you posted this): Walt Whitman's grave (it's a tomb actually, that he shares with several other members of his family) is actually in New Jersey, and is about ten minutes away from my house!

I guess Im the only person who did not care for the Beverly character; after last night's episode, to see so many people comment on how unhappy they were with what was surely her death, I just shrugged. I don't know, I love the show to death, but I never liked her character and won't really miss her at all.

When Martin Scorsese dies, it will be pretty much like the last of the great filmmakers dying, and I will sob into my handkerchief.

He had a long history of both alcoholism and battles with heroin. He just recently entered rehab I believe (less than a year ago), and came out saying that things were better now. Unfortunately it looks like he fell back into it.

Probably because it's incredibly addictive, and life can be truly unbearably awful for some people, and they need something, anything, to "help."

I remember as a kid I was shocked, SHOCKED, when Raphiel yelled out "DAMN!!!!" after losing his fight with Casey Jones.

The wife and I just saw them in Godot and it was really remarkable. My wife is a big Samuel Beckett nerd and I never really cared much for the play, but seeing these delightful men act the hell out of the thing totally won me over.

Is it too late to make a "whacking" joke, a clever play on words as it were in relation to the ax murders in this case, in conjunction with masturbation relating to how attractive Christina Ricci is?

B seems way too low a grade. I know it's only the first episode, but this looks like it's going to be a fantastic series.

I hate award shows, but Amy Poehler and Tina Fey were great last year. Also they both look gorgeous in that photo.

I badly want that version of McBain to be a real thing; Schwarzenegger VS Pacino and directed by John McTiernan.

"Don't worry, Joey, we'll make it to California some day." "Sure we will, Mr. Homer, sure we will…"

Also, I just noticed the title of this episode. So, yeah. Smooth move, me…

Thank you. Let's just say I'm going through this insane roller coaster of emotions where I'll be perfectly ok, then, while eating dinner and not even thinking about what happened, I'll start sobbing uncontrollably.