
Great episode, although I have to admit, that teaser for next week with Al Capone strolling up and shooting a cop in the face has me all sorts of excited (what an odd sentence…)

Master Hugh has found true love…

I was hoping this was going to be a 24-style show about the O.J. Simpson trial.

Stephen Graham is always great on this show; even when he goes over the top, it all works so well. I'm looking forward to Al Capone's Bloody Revenge (which also is the name of my new band and/or Hammer Horror Film).

Note: Ali died on his way back to his home planet.

I'm so glad Breaking Bad has ended so I no longer have to hear the AMC announcer say "ON THE NEXT LOW WINTER SUN…" I'm assuming the show will be long cancelled by the time Mad Men returns.


I actually forgot about the Shield; that was indeed an amazing finale. But with the Shield it was more—I don't know—shocking, I guess. With this, I felt like everyone (still alive for the start of the episode, that is) got exactly what they deserved.

Because the writers of this show can be such sadists, when Jesse was driving away cheering I fully expected some truck to suddenly plow into him or something of that sort.

When the nazis all got shot, I let out a quiet "yeah!"; when Jesse killed Todd, I was practically leaping from the couch in joy, much to the horror of my wife…

I honestly can not remember a series finale being more satisfying. Perhaps Six Feet Under, but that was more like emotional closure, where as with this, it was like a Christmas morning where I got everything I wanted, after expecting none of it.

Finale prediction: every character dies except Holly. The firemen then adopt her and raise her as one of their own, thus giving way to the new spinoff show Firefighter Baby, from the writers of Admiral Baby.

I gave up on this show after the John Lithgow season, simply because I realized that that was the best season the show could offer, and there was no way the show would ever top it. From reviews and talking with friends who stuck with it a little longer, it seems I was correct.

Excuse me, haven't you seen Matthew Fox's scene-stealing turn in World War Z as "Helicopter Pilot Who Has No Lines and Looks Worried"??

The History Channel is embarrassing. Every time I tune to that channel they are showing PAWN STARS. Every. Single. Time. No matter what day, or time of day, it's always PAWN STARS. With ads for AMERICAN PICKERS.

Jesus Christ, this show is going to give me a heart attack by the time those last three episodes are up.

It is unfair that dogs live such short lives, while I'm pretty sure cats live forever (citation needed). My wife and I recently adopted a dog who is goofy and lovable and sweet. Meanwhile, we've had a cat for five years, who is the fucking spawn of Satan. And I just know that that cat will outlive the dog, laughing

I'm glad to see this movie get some attention again. It's definitely the least-flashy of Nolan's films, but it has such a great atmosphere to it. As someone who used to suffer from insomnia back in high school, I always thought this film does a very accurate job of portraying how prolonged periods of non-sleep can

"Only TWO members have special rings!"
"Yeah!" ::blows into kazoo-rings::