
Louie did fine; he just had a very small, inconsequential part. Dice got to have a nice "serious" moment near the end where he confronts Cate Blanchett, so there's a bit more substance to his performance. The audience I saw it with pretty much laughed every single time Louie CK was on screen though, before he even did

Walter Jr actually WAS in the first episode. Don't you remember the thrilling, yet-to-be-resolved plot development of if he could have his curfew extended?

This episode was so fucking tense that I seriously felt like I was going to throw up, because I have the emotional stability of an infant.

"Dad, I LIKE picking beans with Grandma."
"Fine, keep it up then."
"Fine, I will!"

I actually have never seen The Prince of Tides, and up until this review, I did not know that the Lowenstein joke was a reference to that, and yet I always found it hilarious! What I'm saying is——

Ah, Sunday nights. How I love you for your Breaking Bad; how I hate you for your constant, soul-crushing reminder that I have to go back to work tomorrow….

I love Okkervil River; I've never noticed them in a trailer until now, so I was caught off guard. As for the movie, it feels like it might be a case of "good movie with awful trailer." The trailer was awkward, especially that fucking stupid beginning "SOME PEOPLE HAVE OCD…" But this cast (specifically Adam Scott and

I dunno. I'm a straight male, but even I have to admit I think he's a good lookin' fellow. He's got GREAT hair.

Okkervil River music in a trailer? Now I've heard everything!!

I only really know her from New Girl. Also, she has very pretty eyes. That's all I can add to this conversation.

Tonight on BREAKING BAD: everyone except Walt looks like they're on the verge of tears.

We had quitters during the Revolution too…we called them "Kentuckians!"

Bobby Sherman?!?!

They didn't start chasing us until you turned on that getaway music!

The Comeback Kid. The entire ice rink/get on your feet ending is incredible. Plus it's the episode that introduces Champion, and who wouldn't fall in love that three legged dog?

Yikes. That ending with whoever that was as Sting (I guess??) was douche-chills worthy…

Oh, that's the babysitter. No one in town will sit for you two any more. I had to choose between a grad student at the university and a scary-looking hobo.

No, Mr. Simpson, that's sexual harassment. If you keep it up, I'll yell so loud the whole country will hear!

I liked Michael Myers a lot more before he got mixed up with that Thorn Cult nonsense.