
Wow, this looks better than it has any right to be…

I hope they get Joe Pesci to reprise his role as David Ferrie. Or as Harry of the infamous Wet Bandits.

Homer waving as she drives away, and then fading to sitting on that car as the stars come out—that's one of the most emotional moments of TV anywhere, not just the Simpsons. DAMN YOU, EMOTIONS.

The Mountain Goats are my favorite band of all time, and this was the album that solidified that in my brain. The first album of theirs I heard was Tallahassee, but I purchased this one after that, and from the opening song, I knew that I needed to get my hands on every song and album from Darnielle and co. that I

I must be getting soft in my old age, but I feel really bad for this person and the inevitable ridicule she will receive whenever someone (reddit, probably) exposes who she really is. That said, I found that video very amusing.

Rock over London
Rock on Chicago
Wheaties the breakfast of champions

I remember as a kid I really hated this episode, just because I felt really bad for Bart getting blamed for things that weren't his fault. I was a sensitive kid. Now excuse me, I have to go cry and compose a sonnet.

My favorite part of "He's Alive" is when Indiana Jones accidentally bumps into Hitler, and Hitler gives him his autograph.

Well, as long as it wasn't former MTV VJ Kennedy; I hear she's a lousy kisser.

Wow, Taylor Swift went out with Maggie Gyllenhaal AND Ted Kennedy?!

"I will fucking cunt punt the next person I hear about doing something like that, and I don't give a fuck if you SOR me, I WILL FUCKING ASSAULT YOU."

The Curse of Frank Black is one of my favorite Halloween-related things ever. I watch it every year in October. It has that perfect Halloween/Autumn feeling to it, and really captures the season wonderfully.

The family turning inside out still disturbs me. There's just something about the sound effects, and the fact that they are all screaming as it happens that makes it extra gruesome. And then everyone is singing and dancing!

What American characters will they try to shoe-horn into the League, I wonder? Perhaps time traveling cyborg Jay Gatsby…

Killed his Sensi in a duel and he never said why.

Walt Whitman's grave (fun fact: it's actually a tomb!) is probably five to ten minutes away from my house, and every time I pass it I think of that joke. And I also like to think that means the Simpsons somehow magically takes place where I live…

I was so very much looking forward to this film, primarily because of Andrew Dominik, as The Assassination of Jesse James… is a god damn masterpiece, and I was dying to see what he'd do next. The finished product felt oddly flat. There was some great material here, but it didn't really mesh as well as I hoped it would.

The trailer for this film was so whimsical and magical that when I went and saw the movie, the final result left me in a sort of state of shock. It wasn't that I didn't like the film—it was that it was just not even close to what I was expecting. A second viewing, where I was more prepared, made me appreciate things a

"She loved the sea."

I actually live in New Jersey! We ALSO have Wegmans!