
I literally think or say this every time I go to Wegmans…

Who are YOU to resist it??

"Welcome home, son. I broke three lamps and lost all your mail."

Note: any time I hear a loud, grating noise that bothers me in some way, I almost always think to myself "Why must they scream?"

::technician removes robot's face-plate, resulting in a high-pitched shriek:: "Why must they scream?"

I was jus going to post "Am I the only one who thought this said Jerry Lewis, and then pictured Jerry Lewis as a werewolf?" But no—no I am not.

I was DEVASTATED when I heard that Trace wasn't returning for the SyFy channel era, but Bill Corbett's Crow grew on me. Corbett has a great sense of timing with his jokes, so that helped. As for J. Elvis Weinstein, I can't really watch any of the episodes he's involved with. That entire first season just feels like a

He brought something amazing to pretty much every role he played. It would've been very easy for him to be typecast as pretty much "Tony Soprano" for the rest of his (now tragically short) career, but even when he played a gangster character recently in Killing Them Softly, it still felt like a completely different

- Handsome man-boy, possibly with or without beard. Fit and also angry and handsome.

"I am going to restock the shelves and then I'm off to accept my Nobel Peace Prize. As for you Dante, don't let that door shut."

ON THE NEXT MAD MEN ::Pete holds his rifle:: "I'm going hunting!" LOOK OUT, BOB BENSON!

I dunno, something about this episode really rubbed me the wrong way, and I think it was how passive Freddie Lounds was. Yeah, I understand that she was being "help captive" by some crazy killer, but the scene where Gideon is abou to start cutting open Dr. Chilton, and she's just STANDING there, just struck me as

I have yet to se Expendables 2 (as I really didnt like the first one, but i've heard the second one is fun), but if they can get Nicolas Cage as the villain in full-on Caster Troy mode, then they've got my money.

Oh, let me comment about—- ::sees there are already 743 posts:: Never mind.

Not quite finished yet, but so far I'm (somewhat) enjoying it. When the episodes hit, they really hit, and there are some hilarious moments. But when they fall flat, boy do they REALLY fall flat. The George Sr. episodes (especially the first one) are pretty awful (despite featuring wonderful work by John Slattery). I

I've never, ever heard of this Longmire show then all of a sudden I see it being promoted everywhere. Did they just not promote the first season at all?

Great episode. But am I the only one who was struck down with an overwhelming case of douche  chills during the Bobby scene, where he is loudly telling everyone in the room that these are his parents and then making them sing?

I really wish they had given Lance Henriksen more to do, because he is such a fantastic actor who seems doomed to constantly be in shitty direct to dvd and syfy channel movies. Also, what is going on with this show in regards to cancellation? Does it have any shot at all of being picked up for a second season at this