
I'm not entirely sure what's going on here but I like it.


Ahhh, yes, the "Why I wear skirts all the time" writer! Number one reason: "Because they are feminine and easily portray the fact that I am a woman." And she goes on to explain that in modern times sexual perversions and homosexuality and "gender confusion" are rampant, so it's good that she wears these skirts to make

I commented once on an article that I super annoyingly can't find when a woman said, "I wish my husband would give me more leeway in what I wear, but he's very strict with what he expects from our daughters and I." She went on to list rigorous measurements (skirt length, etc.). Someone else commented "good on you for

NEVER NEVER NEVER HAVE SEX, even if you want to.

Or maybe its hard for new unknown authors to get sales and established names sell much more easily regardless of gender.

No. No I cannot.

I thought the funny thing about the witch in Brave was that her solution to everything is BEARS. Want to be the strongest warrior? Be a bear. Having trouble with your mother? Turn her into a BEAR. Want to travel the world and see new things? Try BEAR.

I've had an eating disorder for a few years, and I have to totally cut Fitness Nazis out of my life. They make me want to barf— literally. Can't do it. Not worth it. And they have no idea how harmful their words can actually be.

I found this conversion chart in my sex binder (binders full of women, amiright?)

I actually started to write an essay, but then I realized the game.

#YOLO means that life is too short to apply to a college that asks you to write an essay about the relevance of a hashtag cliche.

I was thinking the same thing. No one wants to stand next to the guy milking his urethra in public.

Too many men and not enough women in the marriage pool?

"If someone can do this, I can put away one of my clothing piles tonight SO HELP ME GOD."

Did I say men are responsible for anything? I don't think so.

Actually, yes, yes I have, and it's completely doable... for the right guy.

My nuts are divided between seven magic horcruxes, and only after the last horcrux is destroyed can my nuts be damaged. The location of each horcrux is a mystery.

Are you, like, allergic to clits?

ball scientists