Maybe it's because they don't want to be shortened to "They" or "Them"? Still, I agree that "She & Him" is grammatically grating.
Maybe it's because they don't want to be shortened to "They" or "Them"? Still, I agree that "She & Him" is grammatically grating.
Just when I felt comfortable trying to use my DivaCup again (after a failed first attempt), my doctor told me I shouldn't because of my IUD. :(
I haven't gotten on a scale in about 5 months, and it feels GREAT.
Hey, me neither! I was out almost a full year, but had held onto the "senior send-off" packet of about 90 condoms (and some things of lube) my college's safe sex organization gave me.
I love this show and that statement, but it's quoted wrong. It's "I fear what you heard was 'Give me a lot of bacon and eggs.' What I said was 'Give me all the bacon and eggs you have.'"
I started toting condoms around with me for that exact reason. They went hand-in-hand with my "aspirational underwear" when I was dressing. You know, just in case someone happened to see my underwear that night. You never do know!
I did that the other day and had that out-of-body moment where my (internal) sassy gay friend burst out "What- what- WHAT are you doing?"
Which is precisely why the government should regulate the sale of sugar! So those with sweet teeth can really start living the life.
I agree. Sometimes it's good just to check in with your body and know what hungry feels like. Plus I find food can taste better when I'm hungrier than normal (I'm a grazer too), and I fall asleep better on an empty-ish stomach.
I can't answer this, but I studied in Strasbourg! Say hello to Le Petite France for me, and enjoy some tarte-flam.
Long, but mostly-read and I have to say: your research sounds really interesting! Anything come of it? (ie- anything published or in press?)
Jewish-on-the-holidays anarco-capitalist.
This is why I (a female) ask my dad for directions and not my mom. He'll tell me approximately how far I have to go and the street name. She'll tell me to "go for a while and turn a the Quick Check." Which one?!?! It drives me nuts!
Thank you. I love this and quote it regularly. In a British accent, obviously, so as not to be confused with actually quoting Jersey Shore.
Yes. When I first moved to Boulder, I made the mistake of drinking. Not a whole lot, but I was pass-out-on-the-front-porch drunk because of the altitude. And then your kind new roommates try to move you inside, and you kindly demur by vomiting on/near them.
"tell him I am basically nonfunctional in the way he expects women to function" vs. "fake it."
Tangentially related: I had a friend tell me the other day that she has faked every orgasm she has ever "had." has tons of quirky and therefore instantly-thoughtful gifts, once you find something that matches his interests!
That first one is literally the most adorable thing I have read all day.